Thursday, December 20, 2012

David Walker: "There Is No Party Of Fiscal Responsibility In Washington"

David Walker on Bloomberg yesterday.
'Time is running out and the future of the country is at stake.'
The original budgetary truth teller.  David Walker is the former Comptroller General of the United States (the nation's top independent accountant) and is the current President of the non-partisan Comeback America Initiative.
Walker wrote a deficit op-ed for Reuters yesterday:
David Walker - U.S. Unfunded Liability Increases $100 BILLION Per Week 
"It is alarming enough that our federal debt has surpassed $16 trillion.  But we have actually dug a fiscal hole of more than $71 trillion when you consider our unfunded Medicare, Social Security and other retirement obligations.  This amount goes up more than $100 billion a week on autopilot."
Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher calculated that the government's unfunded liability for Social Security and Medicare alone comes to a staggering $99.2 trillion, or $330,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States.
It's an impossible figure, but still on the low side compared to this estimate of $222 trillion published at Bloomberg.
The national debt has grown by $6 trillion since the Spender-In-Chief took office, and four more $1 trillion deficits are on the way before Obankster leaves Washington in 2016.
Check the debt clock and decide for yourself.  Is there anything, anything at all, that appears 'under control' to you?
Here's a bonus - David Walker with Jon Stewart.
"There is no party of fiscal responsibility in Washington."
"When the statutory budget controls expired in 2002, Washington lost total control.  Unfunded tax cuts, unfunded war costs, expansion of entitlement benefits.  And we are where we are today."

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