Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Curing American Workers Of Green Card Blues And How Harvard Selects Students

John Williams of Shadow Stats tells us that the real US unemployment rate is 22%. Even the controlled press tells us that the youth unemployment rate is over 50% this summer.
A couple of months ago an attractive woman told President Obama that her husband was an electrical engineer who was unemployed for over two years. The President told her that he had been told that Green Cards are only issued after an employer could not find an American citizen to do that job. He promised to look into her husband’s case. Two months later her husband was still unemployed.
President Obama did give her and the rest of us an answer of sorts. On Friday he said he was going to ignore the law and allow illegal aliens to stay in America and attend college. The media sound bite sounded like it was for students., But it applied to any illegal under age 30 who came here in the past 14 years. By giving them two years to do whatever, he was granting them permanent residency. All they have to do is have a baby who will have instant citizenship.  That way they can get a drivers license and under the Motor Voter law of the Clinton era they can register and vote for Obama. They will qualify for affirmative action and get into professional schools and displace the younger generation from any hope of a career. That would allow the illegal aliens to replace citizens in the upper reaches of American society and power.
The younger American generation does not have many opportunities for a career that will pay them enough money to marry and have children. To date no Presidential candidate has bothered to address the fact that illegal immigration and affirmative action are robbing our young people of any ability to raise a family.
Green Cards have been given to illegal aliens who have been convicted of violent crimes in American courts. They are also given to illegal aliens working at manufacturing sites after they have been raided and the owners fined. To be fair this was standard practice under Bush and will likely continue under Romney.
All of these problems could easily be solved by honest and intelligent politicians. Unfortunately we have none in America.  My modest proposal is that all jobs held by Green Card holders be put up for open competition by listing them online and at local state unemployment offices so citizens could apply for actual existing jobs. After WW II returning soldiers were guaranteed their old jobs. All they had to do was walk in the door and the boss had to release whoever was filling that job. That is how the program to replace Green Card holders should work today. Of course the illegal aliens with criminal convictions in either the US or overseas should be immediately deported.
You might want to ask any congressional or senatorial candidate you are able to corner what they think of this plan.
I might add that I have attended lots of American universities and have seen affirmative action first hand. Most of the blacks attending Harvard are either  immigrants, have one white parent or are the children of Harvard graduates. Most are not from the American black community. of working people you see in your everyday life.
This is how Harvard selects students.
They first take care of the children of graduates who have made substantial gifts to the university. Then they take care of the children of the university’s professors. They also have to take care of the children of the National Security State. If your father is a general or is an assistant director of the CIA, FBI or the IRS, you go to the head of the line. I had a friend whose father had a high level IRS job and was interviewed by a professor whose research lab was so secret that my friend could never find in four years of looking. The Military Industrial Complex spends so much taxpayer money researching plagues, mind control other fun things to oppress the Gentiles. They feel this entitles them to giving their children admissions to the best schools. After these special people are admitted, they give out seats based on affirmative action for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders and American Indians. Then they take care of a few native residents of Massachusetts because Harvard owns a lot of the real estate in the the state  and their exemption from property taxes is a hot local issue. Then they take care of the Jews. As an after thought, they give the remaining seats to whites. The Jews are not listed under  affirmative action. They hide amidst the whites.  But on a disproportionate basis Jews take white positions. This discriminates against the people whose ancestors died fighting to protect Israel in favor of those who have no relatives serving in either  Iraq or Afghanistan.
My regular readers are aware that I am convinced that Israel did 911 and that the Jewish owned media covered it up. That is treason.. It follows that I see no reason for Jewish students to be allocated seats in a medical or law school reserved for whites. Their tribe declared war on America. Why should we sacrifice for the people who declared war on America?
If you ever want to end affirmative action, just pass a law requiring that Jews be allocated no more than twice their numbers in the general population. So if the Holohoaxers say 2% of the Americans  are Jews then no more than 4% of the medical students at Harvard should be Jewish, Currently, the Jews claim only 25% of those students in Harvard professional schools are Jews, But I had a Jewish friend who made it into Harvard Med on affirmative action as she was a female.  Her father was a publisher and her mother a New York lawyer. She was one crazy woman. Other Jews said she she should not have been accepted. She told me she was told to tell the Gentiles she was a lapsed Protestant so the Jews could pretend they were only 25% of the student body.
We need a serious debate on affirmative action and illegal immigration. If we cannot get it when the unemployment rate is 22%, when will we get it? When the Gentile unemployment rate is 27%?  30%? Or maybe 33%?  Or maybe never.
Notes: Israelis are insane. If you doubt me read this before commenting. John McCain does not always tell you the truth.
5 Minutes To Self-Immolation Of The Israeli Empire
There Never Was An American Empire Only A Machine That Consumed Us All
One of my most popular articles about the pond scum otherwise known as bankers was:
25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions
If you never studied the Holohoax, now is the time. Israel should no longer be allowed to use it to justify their war crimes.
Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.

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