Sunday, January 1, 2012

How the Globalists Have Destroyed Free Markets to Introduce the New World Order

The lies and deception of this imaginative notion that we live and function in a free market is the biggest fallacy ever conceived. What the general public don’t understand is that the decisions they make on a daily basis have been predetermined by two mitigating factors. The trail of deceit, lies and misinformation that the Globalists and Elite have perpetrated is astonishing.

We are all taught that Education will set you free. This statement would be true if the Globalists and Elite hadn’t infiltrated our education institutions by sowing the seeds of deceit when it comes to educating our youth and future leaders about economics and how markets work.

The following are two critical lies the public have been told that influence the decisions they make and how they live their lives.

Lie #1: The Government needs to make decisions for us because we can’t

The first time anyone is ever introduced to the principles of economics is usually via the Keynesian School of Economics. In summary, Keynesian Economics proposes that the private sector does not have the inherent capacity to deliver effective macroeconomic decisions. Because believers of Keynesian Economics do not believe that the decisions the private sector makes will lead to economically viable outcomes, they usually propose that the public sector (Government) should be making policy that would influence market outcomes. So basically, proponents of Keynesian Economics want the government to interfere with the decisions that you make.

This disgusting notion that we need our beloved and glorious Government to make decisions for us has actually convinced people that they themselves can’t make simple economic decisions by themselves.

Lie #2 – The cost money and money supply is determined by the market

This is the most serious and disturbing lie I have ever heard. The general public actually believe that the cost of money is derived naturally by the market and It is the market that determines how much we pay for the items we purchases on a daily basis. WRONG!!!

The cost of money is not determined by the market, but instead it is determined by the Globalists, the Elite and Government. How? Well, it all starts with Central Banks and the decisions these corrupt institutions make. Below, you will find a very simple chart that describes how Central Banks force you to make everyday decisions.

This simple diagram is only one variation of what happens when Central Banks meddle with interest rates. If you are interested in learning how interest rates should be derived (via free market methods), then a simple Google search would be a great start (search for ‘Austrian School of Economics’)
Also, another important note you must take from the workflow above is that by appointing a private individual to somehow workout what the interest rates should be lead’s to people preceding and or not proceeding with decisions they may or may not take. This notion is especially dangerous when interest rates are set at the incorrect level. It is common knowledge that the great depression of the 1930’s was caused by the Federal Reserve incorrectly setting interest rates of which in turn sent the wrong signal to the market.

The first lie, ‘the Government needs to make decisions for us because we can’t’ and second lie ‘the cost money and money supply is determined by the market’ have all been absorbed by the public and believed.

Based on these two simple fallacies, to conclude I would like to propose a very simple new definition of what the New World Order is all about. The New World Order is the establishment of a Global Government that will make decisions based around how the “Market” should function to force you into making everyday decisions that will only benefit the Globalists, Elite and Private International Financiers.

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