Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In the Mosh Pit with the Black Pots and Kettles

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Apologies for not being around for a few days; temporarily under the weather.

This is stacking up with brimming potential to be one of those memorable weeks where just about anything can happen. On the high end, false flag quadrant, the Israeli controlled western powers are wagging the dog and swinging dead cats all over the place. They want to see dead people and hopefully a lot of them in Iran. They’ve had their way so far with all the other wars so... if something is going to stop them it will have to be something different than the forces, people and things that didn’t stop them all the other times.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has gone viral and epidemic all over the world and the ranks keep swelling. Something has to give, overreact or break through soon enough.

People are being arrested for wanting to close their accounts at the large banks. There are several views about how this has been allowed to happen. Some say they entered the bank as protestors and that gave the usual, quasi legitimacy to temporal overreaction. What someone needs to tell these people is that they can just do online transfers of their savings and whatnot to whatever the next bank holding their money will be. If they want this activity made public they can simply announce a day when everyone does it; or a week, or a month. Whatever it takes to bring down the big banks and force legal action against Wall Street has to be done and relentlessly pursued until it is accomplished. Lloyd Blankfein and his friends need to be brought to trial, sent to prison or marooned on a rock somewhere with a few hundred pounds of Garbanzo beans, with fire making capacities and pot with some water.

Eric Holder of Fucked and Furious fame is panhandling for privacy at the corner of Shit and Go Blind, which we visited the other day. People as corrupt as or possibly even more corrupt than he is, such as Shabbos Goy, Darrel Issa, are lining up to take shots at the morally bankrupt, microcephalic attorney general. It looks like a mosh pit full of black pots and kettles. Cue Ozzy Osborne or Marilyn Manson; ‘together like you’ve never seen them before’?

♫Something’s gotta give, something’s gotta give, something’s gotta give♫

The usual politically correct nonsense is rearing its troglodyte profile above the once normal and now bent out of recognition societies and cultures of the moment. All formerly celebrated holidays are presently suspect and being plowed under for the pleasure of those who don’t believe in anything but their narrow little agendas of social control. Shake any one of the trees close to any of this action and half a dozen Zionistas will fall out of the branches. As Press TV accurately stated, you can have a gay sex channel in the UK but you can’t have a free and open media and that is no surprise given who controls 96% of it.

Political correctness is the bastard stepchild of the communist manifesto. The intent is to give the appearance of leveling the playing field so that everyone’s needs, even if it’s just those two guys standing in the corner dreaming of sheep, are recognized and put on an even footing with ten million other people dreaming of each other. Of course it has nothing to do with any of this but is just more ‘divide and conquer’, where the people enforcing these things, gain a power out of all proportion to the relevance of their right to enforce these things.

The breakdown of the whole infrastructure and its financial and moral underpinnings is absolutely calculated by the usual suspects who have been misjudged and impugned by history (until it got revised and rewritten) and let’s all take a nanosecond of time to commiserate with them before they go right back to their constant practice of seeking to impoverish and enslave the rest of us.

Well, one way or another, the whole thing is coming down and the real impetus behind all of it, regardless of how it may appear, is the cosmos using everyone good, bad and indifferent to bring about necessary change and whatever amount of suffering is required to make whatever points are the point of the whole exercise to begin with.

Yes, my friend, the symphony is being conducted from off stage and it really doesn’t matter who appears to be standing front and center. They aren’t doing anything that isn’t being allowed and directed for the purpose of demonstration. Totally compromised, psychopathic parrots like Hillary Clinton are just going through the motions and generally clueless concerning the real and final result of their speech and actions.

The wide range of accurate information in the minds of the Occupy Wall Street ‘rank and file’ is amazing. They’ve got a really good idea of what has been happening and is happening. All of this makes its way into the human consciousness from unknown locations and suddenly everyone knows it.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here between God and the Devil to make sure it’s all on the level... or something to that effect. Poetic license can be problematic when it comes to reality but then so can everything else that falls short of it and that pretty much means everything else.

It doesn’t matter what you call the whole process or to whom you attribute the power to bring it to the term of its course. It doesn’t matter if you think the bad guys finally messed everything up so that the mathematical certainty of evil destroying itself has finally arrived at the dénouement. It doesn’t matter if you believe it’s all under the control of a mysterious and indefinable consciousness. It doesn’t matter if you think the moon is made out of green cheese. What matters is that it is happening in front of you and inside of you and somehow, someway, it is taking place. That’s the critical focus (or should be) of the whole shebang.

I’m not any kind of gifted prognosticator but I would have to say that, irrespective of that, these next few weeks look like any given day some event will be enough to change this world beyond all expectation. It’s going to result in different things in different places, just as the alterations in consciousness are going to be radically different for different people depending on what has been in their head to begin with. This is Monday morning talking. I’ll be real interested to see what Thursday morning has to say, or next Monday for that matter.

Everything at every level is being affected so there’s no way to predict what might be the result of all of that. Anything, even of great magnitude, can now happen in a few minutes, an hour and a day. Hopefully (as I believe it to be true) everything is under control for the purpose of demonstration and we simply need to acknowledge that and proceed with an awareness of it. The idea that this is all blind chaos that somehow came to this moment through some sequence of empirically understood evolution is a frightening thought.

In any case, you are where you are as what you are. You’re the sum total of whatever you got up to that somehow made its way across the possibilities of the map of your existence to the location you find yourself in now, physically and consciousness wise. If you’re not happy with that, change it. That potential is also operating under the same rules of a few minutes, an hour, a day and so on, depending on what is required to get you in gear. Some can change. Some can’t change and some will be compelled to change. Good luck with how that applies to you. Alright then, stop, look and listen. The train is coming down the tracks and something also appears to be going on center stage. Don’t get confused about where you should be standing with both the performance and the train in operation at this time.

End Transmission.......

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