Sunday, September 25, 2011

Who in US “leadership” today will declare the “emperor has no clothes” facts?

In the story, The Emperor’s New Clothes, a single clear voice broke the public’s confusion. At once, the public recognized what was before their eyes. The illusion of the emperor and minions was over.
The United States is in a similar condition. The public knows something is terribly wrong with what appear to be unlawful wars and related War Crimes, economic looting in the trillions, and corporate media who lie and distract. Public confusion is lifting as literally millions of Americans now have sufficient command of the “emperor has no clothes” facts to explain, document, and prove the Orwellian crimes of the American emperors and minions.
And just as with our analogy, when critical mass of public understanding provides sufficient voice, the illusion of US “leadership” behaving lawfully will be over in an instant. They, and their minions, will face criminal and civil prosecution from a public that outnumbers them over a hundred to one, will have law enforcement on their side, and will be outraged by the massive crimes that annually murdered millions, attacked and harmed billions, and looted trillions of our dollars every year.

This condition brings an urgent and poignant choice upon “leadership” and their minions: given that the illusion will soon be over, who will stand with the public and the facts now (better late than never), and who will stand for the empire’s ongoing murder, misery, and plunder?
The advantages of standing with humanity:
  • The choice of connectedness and love is more attractive (literally) than murderous disconnected selfishness.
  • Many of us offer a Truth and Reconciliation process to resolve these crimes (here and here). Those who cooperate now and contribute to bringing the crimes to light and termination are in stronger positions to receive Truth and Reconciliation instead of prosecution for egregious crimes against humanity.
  • It’s a much cooler story to be like Darth Vader or Severus Snape in ultimate heroism than ignominious death like the emperor and Voldemort. Those like me will seek to protect you.
The millions of awakened Americans know from the facts that “leadership” acts against public interest. For example, as I wrote with California passing a bill to fully understand the benefits of a state-owned bank:
Governor Brown, so far, has upheld the current criminal political and economic “leadership,” and requires a “Scrooge conversion” before he becomes a partner of the people. We know this is true because he does not declare his support for the people with other “emperor has no clothes” obvious crimes of “leadership”:

  1. Congressional reports disclose that all “reasons” for war with Afghanistan and Iraq were known to be lies as they were told.
  2. Orwellian unlawful wars, including using depleted uranium weapons to damn victims with continuous misery and death.
  3. Obfuscation and silence of the obvious answer of ending an Orwellian "debt supply" and replacing it with money. This is the national solution for our so-called “monetary” system.
  4. Silence while the US allows a million children a month to die of preventable poverty, even though historically ending poverty reduces population growth rate, the investment is less than 1% of the developed nations' gross national incomes (GNI), and the US has promised this amount and reneged multiple times.
  5. Tortureextrajudicial assassinations (including against American citizens) and indefinite detentions
  6. Destruction of the US Constitution as the US devolves into a form of government closest to fascism and nowhere near a constitutional republic.
  7. Literally throwing Americans onto the streets rather than take any of a dozen acts to allow them to stay in their homes.
  8. Intentional unemployment, crime, infrastructure decay, fear, anger, depression (both economic and psychological) rather than create money for full employment.
  9. US corporate media complicity to lie by omission and commission to keep the above facts unrecognized by the American public.
  10. You should also know this area of Truth: the King family's civil trial found the US government guilty of Dr. King's assassination. US Corporate media refused to cover the trial or interview Dr. King's wife. His family's opinion is that the US government murdered Dr. King to end his protests against unlawful US wars and his call to end poverty.

For my archive of published articles, I’m’s Nonpartisan Examiner.
For my best comprehensive article to explain, document, and prove unlawful US wars all based on known lies and criminal economic fraud that costs American trillions every year: Open proposal for US revolution: end unlawful wars, parasitic economics. 1 of 4.

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