Thursday, August 11, 2011

Walk away from what you know

You have the power to cripple national consumerism. 

Yes, You.

Walk away. 

Walk away from mortgages, interest, fees, taxes and materialism.

First you must begin to look at your relationship with the paper in your wallet.  You have to let it go.  Money is fake and they give it in small amounts, then take it back in bigger amounts.  Always leaving you working your ass off for a few material goods.  Is it worth it?  Do you feel better or bigger or happier in your lexus?  Does it change your family dynamics or the relationship with your wife?  You have to let it go.  Stop playing in the playground, it's designed to never let you win.  Why keep playing?  

Look at your life without relying on money.  Working just enough to live modestly.  It leaves you with time for your wife, for your children and for yourself.  You are no longer a rat in a race, you are a father or a husband or a friend.  You have time for it now and the energy to see it through now.

Do you really need 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms?  Do you need the new car, the gucci suit or the disneyland vacations?  Do you really need manicured nails, dyed hair and teeth whitening?  Does it make you a better person or have you been fooled?  Do you feel like a great person or do you feel like you may be slaving scum?

Whether you jump in with both feet or just take small steps, EVERY step matters.  You can do it!

Here are some major life changes that can cripple our materialistic nature of this nation:

Sell your home for what it is worth or if you are really brave, let it foreclose.  What does a credit rating mean when no one lends any money?

Walk away from a corporate job.  Find a job with a small business OR start your own small business.

Think about the fake money we use to buy fake plastic goods....  use as little of it as possible.  Work only enough to live modestly, spend the free time you have now by loving those closest to you.

Organize a community board in your neighborhood.  Offer a "wanted" section and a "free" section.  Leave fresh flowers, organic produce from your garden or even just a nice children's toy.  Have an honor jar for the community to use.  Stress the importance of each member of the neighborhood, using another member of the community for goods/services they may need.  Stress the importance to neighbors that asking for help will be answered.  Leave $10 bills in the honor jar for anyone to take that needs it.  Yes, if someone "steals" it - that means they needed it more than you.  Let it go, it's just money. 

Close your bank accounts or bank with a small credit union.  If you feel brave, tell the bank that you are closing your accounts because you don't agree with their overloaded pockets of money and will no longer support it.

Shop at an organic (non-montesano) farm.  Some of these farms will even deliver organic produce to your front door for a very affordable amount of money.   We pay $42 every 2 weeks and we get much more than we could ever use or need.  We give much of it away to neighbors, family and friends.

Shop at a butcher who sells grass fed beef and/or organic slabs.   Better yet, get a hunting tag. 
Shoot and Kill your own organic meat.  Use the butcher to package it up for you correctly.

Start a chicken coop or move to an area that will allow you this basic necessity.

You can do it.  I know you can.

Shop 2nd hand.  None of your hard-earned money goes to the fascist money junkies except through the sales tax that you must pay and even that is 'supposed' to go the state you buy in.  (who really knows anymore)

Turn your leased car in!  Take a loss on the fake money you've already invested in it. 

Buy a car outright, it's yours and you owe NO ONE for it.   Buy an older car so that you don't support the raping through licensing fees, emission testing and repair of newer vehicles.

Proudly tell others of the changes you've made and why.  Encourage them and support them in changes they may  want to make, help them out as you have extra time now that you are a newly freed slave.

When you discover a windfall of currency - donate it to people directly or use it to start more neighborhood communication boards or feed the homeless.  Donate it to organizations that you know are safe from the evils of materialism.  Do not donate to any major organizations - they don't manage their money and about .10 from every dollar actually is used to help out anyone.

Just walk away.  You can do it.  Live your life free and without fear of not being rich enough.  You will never be rich enough, never.  Why keep striving for something that is impossible?  Is it even important or were we brainwashed to believe it is? 

I'm sure I've missed many many ideas to walk away from this fake materialistic slavery... if you have one - add it below!

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