Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Peaceful Solutions for Impossible Problems (Part 1 of 2)

Blake Walley, Contributing Writer
Activist Post

I know it may sound crazy to you, but I don’t believe it necessarily takes a “real” economist to fix our financial problems. In fact, my philosophy is that the economy needs to be simplified drastically… because when the layperson no longer understands what is going on with the economy, they are also unable to act as a watchdog upon it. This in turn leaves the door open for rampant corruption and manipulation by the small group of insiders that actually do understand how the system works… because unfortunately for the rest of us, there seems to be a tendency for them to use their “insider knowledge,” absurdly complicated mathematics, and carefully worded legal language against us for their own selfish interests instead…

So as most of you are aware, we are in major financial mess… And since it should be obvious by now that our media and politicians don’t have a clue, I guess it doesn’t hurt to have some “outside the box” solutions. But I also have to warn you…

I am not an economist, I am just a guy with common sense, critical-thinking skills, and a well developed BS detector. And since the phony, bought-and-paid for mainstream media is never going to give you any actual solutions, then I guess it’s time for me to step up again and try to handle this mess myself:

First off, no matter what these TV clowns are saying between the seemingly endless pharmaceutical ads and car insurance commercials, let’s be clear: it is mathematically impossible to ever pay off this debt.

Speaking of which, did you know that the debt we owe goes directly to a private bank? Yes, the Federal Reserve Bank is almost entirely private. That means it has absolutely NOTHING to do with our Federal government. So with that in mind, it kind of makes you wonder things like; so do we really owe them this money? And why is a private bank in charge of our economy anyway?

And why are these filthy rich aristocrats like Ben Bernanke, Henry Paulson, Timmy Geithner, and Alan Greenspan living like kings while telling us everything is fine even though every financial indicator seems to be telling us the opposite?

Does this make sense to anyone else? Not only are they living like kings among us serfs already… according to the mathematics of the debt, we haven’t even scratched the surface of what we still owe them! Now even though it’s not quite that simple, the point is; how absurd does this mathematical nightmare have to get before you finally decide to take action?

But this speech isn’t about class warfare. After all, there are many other people that are also responsible for this mess; and many of them see those people everyday in their own mirror. However, I’m also not here to insult the gullible, naïve, and uninformed either. After all, despite the fact that I can be perceived as condescending at times; I also used to be gullible, naïve, and uninformed.

So how to we fix the economy then? Let me ask you a question: Is there a shortage of resources? Is there food in the grocery stores? Is there gasoline in the pumps? Yes. So let me ask you; why are we about to live in indefinite austerity even though we already have resources available? I’ll explain…

Whether you want to refer to this racket as crony-capitalism, crony-collectivism, socialism, fascism, globalism, or neo-feudalism; our economy has been destroyed by corruption. In this specific resource example I mentioned, it’s a phenomenon known as “artificial scarcity.” The resources are still there, you just can’t “afford” them anymore.

Here’s another example of how wasteful our economy is; not only does your dollar not buy as much as it used to, did you notice that everything also costs more now too? Quantitative “easing?” They should call it “quantitative squeezing,” because the Federal Reserve has really mastered how to squeeze our economy from both ends.

I hate to give bad news, but the truth is that corruption and greed have destroyed our economic system. And these people aren’t going to tell you the truth and it’s for a childishly simple reason; they don’t want to lose their wealth and power.

So what do we do?

First we need to acknowledge how bad the corruption has gotten, and accept the fact that it’s impossible to fix the system within its current framework.

You also have to understand history…. In fact our country actually shares many eerie parallels to Ancient Rome; one of which is the invasion of barbarians… only these are modern times; so instead of an obvious head on attack by barbarian hordes… we’ve been invaded by ingenious and calculated stealth. And instead of barbarians, we’ve been invaded by bankers.

But regardless of whether this mess was caused by design or not, we have to admit that the system is a failure and its complexity and confusion has led to rampant manipulation and corruption. Fact: this is a failed system and it’s time to move on. Do you want to see your grand-kids in poverty or having to work 3 jobs while Ben Bernanke’s spoiled rotten grandchildren are living like gods? Either do I….

Look, no one wants the economy to fall apart in their lifetime, but it’s not going to last forever. The stock market isn’t going to last forever. We don’t need this corrupt, manipulated, white-collar criminal casino having this kind of power over our prosperity. In my opinion, the world will be a better place when once we’ve turned the New York Stock Exchange into the New York Stock Exchange Museum.
It’s really sad that they are making such a big deal about our credit rating, but it shows you just how embarrassingly corrupt our economic system has become.

And believe me, the fact that we are still “AA+” is still a ridiculous joke. Funny, Warren Buffett was recently quoted as saying that he thought our debt should be rated “quadruple A” which was also parroted in a recent Obama speech. Quadruple A? I can’t believe both of these guys said that with a straight face. Who knew these guys had such an incredible sense of humor?

So what should our credit rating really be? Here, let me illustrate why our credit rating is a joke from an “outside the box” perspective: hypothetically speaking; if you were an investor from another planet and you stumbled upon earth and spent a week on Wall Street, would you really want to invest in our bonds? Of course not! So what would you rate them? Let’s face reality: they’re JUNK!

Of course they aren’t ready to admit they are junk, and I can’t say I completely blame them. After all, a spontaneous default would obviously send economic shock waves and possible panic all over the globe. I mean the dollar is still the world’s reserve currency… however; we can’t keep this hoax of an economy propped up forever, so how do we fix it?

I’m sure most of you had the chance to see just how incompetent our politicians really are… I mean John Boehner? Nancy Pelosi? Mitch McConnell? Does anyone else feel convinced that any of these clowns are actually going to fix anything? Of course not… they’re just going to point the fingers at somebody else and just keep pushing the problem into the future.

So since these incompetent weasels have no solutions, the latest idea lies in the creation of a diabolical super oligarchy of 13? I’m sorry, super congress? Really? And in the odd chance that this really became necessary, shouldn’t the people get to pick the 12? And if there wasn’t enough time for a vote, shouldn’t they be selected by the highest approval rating? Or would that make too much sense? I mean we wouldn’t want to risk having a situation where 12 of the country’s most unpopular aristocrats were selected to be in charge of something this important, would we? That would just be silly… what do you think this is, a Dystopia? That could never happen in real life!

But seriously, if anyone thinks these corrupted incompetents are going to solve our financial problems than I’m sorry to inform you that you’re probably not going to get a solution you are going to be excited about. In fact it’s most likely going to end up with you under hopeless and overwhelming amounts of debt while these corrupt, multimillionaire con-men live like kings and tell you that everything is fine; “corporations are people” and write laws to legally protect themselves from all the nefarious rackets they’ve created.

Another possibility is that we will go into the dreaded one-world currency that will be run by the very same people that are responsible for this mess to begin with. Knowing them, I’m sure they will make that sound like the most amazing idea ever, but the reality is; it will only be a different version of what we have now: an overly confusing and fraudulent system designed to benefit the small cabal of insiders that actually understand how it works.

We need transparency and common-sense economics, not multi-million dollar bankers, lawyers, and politicians running the system. The economy should empower the people, not enslave them.

And speaking of Warren Buffett; now he’s trying to suggest we should raise taxes on the rich…. A noble gesture… however, that’s probably not going to happen, but even if it does, let’s be honest; it’s not going to magically fix anything, and there’s no mathematical or scientific way to prove it will… which leads me to my next point:

Our economic system needs to be simplified drastically if the general public is ever going to have a hope of understanding it; and with that being said, I think it should be quite obvious by now that Keynesian economics should be purged from our society for the greater good of the future.

Visit Eccentric Perspective for the second half, parts 4-7

Blake Walley is an independent writer hiding in plain view on the strip of Las Vegas.  Visit his Eccentric Perspective blog for more philosophical and political opinion, citizen/gonzo journalism. 

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