Sunday, July 31, 2011

Can Eugenics Rear Its Ugly Head if Debt Ceiling is not Raised as Payback Against the People?

I will admit it straight out of the gate. I have a deep hatred for communist and socialist because they are dangerous. They are mentally ill people who need to be on lockdown in a padded cell three miles underground whimpering ,far from doing harm to the people. They are dangerous if we believe their rhetoric. The policies they will use is a weapon against the people. They want us to know who is boss. It does not matter is it is food and resources. I can see saying since we the people will not allow tax increases or the debt ceiling increasing. We can hear the Tyrant say,” We cannot afford to take care of Grandmas health care anymore and she has to die to save money.” These people are narcissistic to the point they think they are Gods holding the power of life and death in their hands.

The mother of my children has a brother who is autistic and severely mentally handicapped. He is a ward of the state that gets a social security disability to take care of him. I am concerned for him because his sister has no say in her bothers care when she tried to stop him getting flu shots. What about the people, who are retarded, have severe handicaps, which rely on government disability to live, and survive to meet basic needs. Many totalitarian regimes have killed off the disabled and the infirm because they want us to see as a drain on society and an unnecessary burden to justify murder. This is why they are starting up death panels so the elderly and the disabled can die as an excuse so the government can pay for the bankers and fund Israel. It has nothing to do with saving money. This is so evil no matter how humane they may make it sound to sell to the public as a way to save social security and Medicare. We must not fall for that lie of bioethics from the mouths of eugenicists that this is our only solution to solve our debt problem, social security and Medicare. Killing off people is not the answer

I lived about 25 miles from were Terry Schiavo was starved to death by order of a probate judge. What was so appalling why I left Florida was one among many other reasons is the people's lack of moral conviction. They all were falling for the lie that she is a vegetable whose quality of life was not worth saving. Her life had no value to many people because it cost money to take care of her. If we are going to claim to be a moral and just society as we say we are. We must be willing to stand up and defend those who cannot defend or speak for themselves when they are in danger of murder by people who want to play God deciding who lives or dies in our government.

This lie calling the elderly and the disabled useless eaters by the elite is such hypocrisy. Most of these elderly people were the builders of our society and contributed to their retirement for many years being responsible. The politicians and bankers never produced anything. The government and the robber barons are the real useless eaters of our society; they steal the hard work and substance of the American people so the money junkies can squander it. To say they have to kill off the disabled and the elderly to pay of this debt, save social security ,Medicare ,fund the wars for Israel and to bailout the Wall Street fat cats is pure ruthlessness. We must be a moral and just society again. The people who cannot speak or defend themselves being the most vulnerable must not be the ones to sacrifice their life to pay the price for Washington’s recklessness and Israel's wars. If we are going to be the society that makes a country great again. We must start adhering to those principles and values again or we lose. We must not allow this happen.

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