Monday, June 6, 2011

Feeding the Homeless Might Be a Illegal?Has the Government Declared War on the Homeless and the Good Samaritan ?

The very same government that has created the economic conditions.Those very destructive policies that are responsible for wrecking the livelihoods of many people. The cost of these corrupt mandates contributed to the high unemployment numbers, the housing foreclosures and the dismal economic conditions for us all.At the same time enriching Wall Street money junkies and the Bankster gangsters at our expense. The very politicians that created the problem forcing people to live on the streets with no food or shelter is something baffling to me. In some cities, it is illegal to be homeless by the very municipalities that chased off jobs or business for revenue enhancement for the local coffers. The very police state who says they care about us so much. This same government threw many people out on the streets of no fault of their own with illegal foreclosures. The very same corrupt governments who just by force pushed people into a condition of being homeless now want to make against the law or a crime.

The first amendment protects freedom of religion. Many Christians see their moral duty and obligation to feed the homeless and help the less fortunate in society. It has always been are characteristic as Americans to be generous and to help our fellow man in need. Providing food to the homeless is a part of the Christian faith being a servant for Christ. Jesus did not need a permit from Caesar to feed 4000 people with bread and fish. I can see the corruption of many politicians in elected office. They are a part of the out of control city governments and the state health agencies. They do more harm than good because they care. Feeding the homeless may now be against the law or more complicated with government red tape to get a permit. Feeding the Homeless will be more expensive to stay in compliance with bureaucrats than operating a soup kitchen without government interference. Government is too costly to have involved in charity. This lunacy by big government is taking away funds that can used better just to help more people rather than costly measures to comply with irrelevant standards just to keep the government off their backs.

When did anyone need a license or a permit to feed the homeless? They are not the Olive Garden or McDonalds. They do not run restaurants. Now decent and law-abiding people are now criminals for feeding the homeless. The crime of helping the less fortunate in the city parks in Orlando Florida. Is now being a Good Samaritan a crime? Will it become illegal altogether now to help our neighbor in need? The day will come that we might go to jail for making a ham sandwich in the near future for a homeless family? So what is the government solution?I think everyone will be issued an EBT cards in the name of food safety because of the dirty soup kitchens can make someone sick. In the governments eyes buying all that GMO food is so much healthier and so much safer than the food at the Baptist church basement. What a crock of BS.

We should not let stupid government regulations and ordinances stop us from doing what is right. If our neighbor is in need.It does not matter if it is legal or not. We have a moral obligation to resist and ignore an unjust government. Before the welfare state was part of American society. Churches and communities took care of their own. There were no food stamps. People united and responded when a neighbor was in distress. No matter how great the need Local communities through charities and the churches took care of people with a helping hand and not a handout. They seen to it that a family was able to provide for itself and not depend on one for assistance. Now the government took over what was once the duty of the people. Social Security took the place of the family looking after the elders of the family in their old age. Social Services took over the welfare of the child. A state institution was the last resort. A family member or a good neighbor stepped forward and raised the child rather then put them in foster care. Religious organizations once owned and operated hospitals that were not for profit.The best medical treatment not compromising quality care regardless of income was the norm. Now since the government took over. Everything is a mess. The health care system was better back in the day when government was not involved then today.

The government has gone heartless and cruel against the homeless. People living in their cars losing all what they owned .The automobile will be lost because the owner has no insurance or valid registration. Leaving a person with just the clothes on their backs on the side of the road is really a cruel thing to do. CPS taking kids way from parents homeless is the real carouse thing to do. Parents can handle losing a home, possessions and a car. Nevertheless, losing their children is something is a knife through the heart. Police in St Petersburg Florida slicing tents with knives that was a person’s personal property trying to drive away the homeless shows our government does not care about the people they hurt or harmed. We are all just peasants and slaves to feed off to them,

We must put a stop to this out of control lawless government. It should not be against the law being homeless and it should not be a crime to feed them either. The people arrested in Florida will keep feeding the homeless. For me it is a right under my religious freedom to feed and help the less fortunate regardless of the laws prohibiting this act of charity. I say just leave them alone if they want to feed the homeless. This is what made American great. It was not bombs and bullets. The government does not define our greatness. Our goodness and generosity define our greatness as a people. Americans never hesitated to step up when people were in need here and abroad. We always responded. Generosity and being charitable is a crime just because the government says it is. It still does not make it immoral or wrong with a vote by politicians making it law. It is just turning law abiding and the innocent into criminals. This is the very definition of a police state gone mad.

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