Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Enablers and their Psychopathic Masters.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.

For shame, ten thousand times for shame; the juggernaut of the murder machine of Death Incorporated, the Bush/Obama slice and dice, human meat processing, corporation of mulched woman and children rolls on. In Afghanistan a couple of days ago, they killed a group of women and children with video game drones. Karzai said that was the last straw and an hour later they killed a bunch more at the other end of the country. NATO, which is only a fraud of nations, masquerading as a coalition, under the rule of American and British bankers, kills with impunity. British SAS, probably with American corporate mercenaries, have been spotted as ground-troops in Libya, looking to kill Gadhafi because he doesn’t want a central Rothschild bank and wants a collective African currency.

I can only pray that raging djinns rise up from the Earth and rip their fucking hearts out and toss them into the flames of Hell. Fuck Memorial Day and all the stupid canon fodder that went to die for banks. They went to die for the banks, so that the domesticated cattle population could keep on being enslaved with usury from Neo-Pharisee banks. Fuck you, you frothing psychopaths! May the Hell you seek to raise upon the Earth, ascend from the bowels of darkness, open her gates and burn you where you stand but not allow you to die. May you be served white phosphorus cocktails with a cluster bomb back. May the cluster bomb be dropped into the cocktail in a burning shrapnel shot glass, like some demented working man’s boiler maker and turn you into one of Dick Chaney’s hunting partners.

You sleazy, stinking shit-heels and your partners in crime the duped and stupid Michelin Tire Man public that parades behind you, with a bloodthirsty Onward Christian Soldiers, blaring from dissonant horns, counterpointed with some John Philip Susa’s, “This Duck may be Somebody’s Mother”. Bring on the tornadoes and the tsunamis and the earthquakes and bury this stupid, pigged out culture like rat corpses in a landfill. Then raise a marker that says, “Here lie those we will not name, they deserve no remembrance. They are killers all, who killed and died for banks”.

I want screaming, flaming devas to come out of the sky and tear Goldman Sachs into pieces and stomp the bankers into the pavement; every trader, hedge fund weasel, derivative scamming and blood drinking last one of them. Hang them on crosses from Wall Street to Broadway and set them on fire so they might be street lamps, lighting up the dark, alcoholic night of the American nightmare.

You sleazy entertainers; actors, masturbating musicians that glorify the killings; that act in the propaganda flicks, that celebrate the killing of Muslims who had nothing to do with 9/11. A 9/11 and 7/7 and Madrid Train Station bombing that was done by Neo-Pharisee, Israelis and her bitches, America and Britain at the behest of AIPAC, which IS the American government; yeah, your BFF swine nation of Ashke-NAZI, land stealing, genociding pirates from Europe- non Semitic trolls, who changed the truth of history so that they could pretend to be the very people they are bent on eliminating; who all through history have been preying upon life wherever they find it, while pretending to be the victims of events they made happen, so that they would look like victims; they cry out in pain when they strike you... all of you, all of you can just take a seat and wait for the piper.

What punishment is enough for these blood drunk reavers and their ignorance infected enablers? They should be born as the victims of any and every hideous act, against any and every human being for the next million years. Then they should be turned into a rock to start all over again. They should be inoculated with a vaccine that kills evil and they must march the streets of the world loudly proclaiming their crimes with a sign on their back that says “kill me but take your time about it”.

Who is worse? The ones who do it or the one’s who help them out as accessories; the writers and smegma-journalists like Jonathan Kay, the actors and musicians, the politicians and religious leaders? From every walk of life they come, serving for money or out of fear. Performing felatio on the world stage; on their knees for the killers and rape artists of the millennium; you dirty rotten, stinking, fucking poseurs, whose only inspiration is, “what kind of lie can I tell today. What kind of Kabuki-masked drama can I perform in, that makes Muslims and anyone sitting on resources a danger to the trough gobbling pigs who support it all and soak it up, as if it were their mother’s milk from the polluted airwaves of a damned nation, that is one incarnation short of falling down on all fours and saying, “fuck two feet and hands, what I want is to really get into it. I want six stomachs and flies buzzing all around my face, until they turn me into hamburgers for the next generation coming.

You programmed imbeciles. How incredibly dumb do you have to be to keep swallowing impossible lies that their own press exposes to you every day. Take those dress hats from dirty wars and stick them up your asses. Suck them all the way in until they take shape on your skull, under your skin and then you can have some medal piercings, pinned into them. Get a t-shirt that says, “I kill on orders from neo-Pharisee banks and then I march in parades that honor my acts. I wipe tears from my eyes when I think of my fallen comrades who don’t get the meaning of “I sing of Olaf”. I want to be a Hobo with a Shotgun in Mecca.

“My country tis of thee, doomed land with no liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my father’s died for banker’s profits and pride. Cover us with a shit landslide, to the grave I ride”. Bono honks on Bush’s dick, jerking off under a Joshua tree, making the sun stand still for the wonder of his collecting money for terminal Africans, who never see a dime, while buying up all kinds of fancy real estate around LA with his buddy, The Edge of Nowhere and managing to piss everyone off at the same time; suing his hairdresser for the return of a pair of blue jeans. How did they come off in the first place; no comment; making Bob Dylan who forgot whatever it was he used to say, while he tours non stop all over the world, because he needs the money and attention so bad; Leonard Cohen playing for the neo-Pharisees of Israel; Sir Paul McCartney attending fashion shows; that’s his job now; hanging out with glamour freaks and wearing his title like a rhinestone tiara; no comment. No comment, no comment.

The twisted neo-Pharisee media, whose supporters brag about being and doing what they do but if you mention, you’re a pariah. The truth is anti-Semitic. Thanks for men like Jim Kirwan and Jim Coors and all the few of the rest of them that put it on the line for what is so and cannot be denied. Thank you Patrick Willis for putting your career and your health on the line, because you are a real man and not some phony, no balls profiteer on the backs of those who die so you can make your money.

Thank every one of you who risk it all to tell the truth; you few. Thank you for those embedded in Palestine, being showered with rocks, tear gas and bullets, while the IDF looks on and applauds. Thank you Ken O’Keefe for riding on the flotillas, thank you Spain and all the other nations that are declaring Palestine a state, thank you Iceland for having the stones to give the banks the finger and then jail the bankers thank you Matt Taibbi. Thank you all. Thank every awakening soul who speaks out in their communities. Thank you every state who goes up against the TSA.

If you want this bullshit to stop, do not fly on an airplane, ruin the airline companies. Don’t go to work and when you do, do it wrong. Don’t shop in their stores. Don’t watch their news. Don’t cooperate. Sit down and wait them out. Don’t pay taxes. Stop funding the killers. They cannot put you all in jail. They cannot put you all in jail but they are going to put as many of you in jail as they possibly can anyway. They are going to commit a colossal false flag very soon and then blame it on Pakistan and Iran. They believe in the superiority of their weapons and they want to destroy China and Russia now, while they still have their imagined edge. They are not going to stop, so stop them. It’s simple, turn your backs on them and cut off their financing. Stop what you are doing or the cosmos will stop you. I apologize for understating my case and not being passionate enough. I’ll try harder. I really will.

End Transmission.......

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