Friday, February 11, 2011

California Treasurer Spanks Legislature Over Junk Spending

Remarkable clip. Five stars. There is no hope for California government.
Video: California Treasurer Bill Lockyer eats his own kind...
High marks for truth-telling. Details and transcribed quotes below.
California Treasurer, Democrat Bill Lockyer testifying (and attacking his own party) last Thursday at an informational hearing on state government reform. Lockyer is tired of the junk legislation and out of control spending coming from fellow Democrats and issues a stern warning about looming bankruptcy. Powerful stuff considering the source.
"I'm sorry but 2/3's of the the bills that i see come out of the Assembly, if they never saw the light of day, God Bless It. Just stop it. JUST STOP IT! Just stop it. I mean they're junk, and they're consuming all your staff time, with junk. It's not a rule, it's cultural. Nancy Reagan is right. Just say NO!
"It’s impossible for this legislature to reform the pension system, and if we don’t, we bankrupt the state. And I don’t think anybody can do it here, because of who elected you. … You’re just captive of the current environment — I don’t see any way out! By the way, Democrats have to call other Democrats on this problem."
More on this story:
Lessons From Bill Lockyer
State Treasurer Bill Lockyer generated a storm last week with his testimony before the Senate and Assembly Select Committees on Improving State Government. He warned that public pensions and health care costs could bankrupt the state, that taxes will not go up, and that the legislature should clean up its act by getting rid of “junk” bills.
The former legislative leader and former attorney general is no stranger to bold speaking.
Lockyer has suggested that one way to remove the effects of money in elected politics is to pick the legislature by lottery. He proposed the University of California system be cut loose from state funding and allow it to survive on foundation grants, alumni giving, tuitions and research contracts. At the Milken Institute conference earlier last week, Lockyer said the state needed a spending limit.

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