Sunday, February 27, 2011

Alex Jones, Patriot ? ... How about Alex Jones total media whore !

Poor Alex ... after getting a little taste of fame, with Jesse Ventura .. it now appears Charlie Sheen just has to snap his fingers and AJ comes running and slides to a stop on his knees waiting to 'service' his master.
People in the patriot community have for years, known that AJ gets positively giddy in the presence of famous folks, but he used to at least attempt to tie it to something of legitimate interest to cover up his disgusting pandering. Not anymore !
Regardless of whether it's the DC Madam, Charlie Sheen, or Bozo the Clown, if it means 'face time' on the MSM TV networks, or more clicks on his website, Our boy AJ will go anywhere, or do anything, to end up in a nice 8x10 glossy with whoever the 'flash in the pan' is this week.
Even those who feel that they must go on AJ's show to get their message out to a wider audience, are in increasing numbers, acting like the kid who had to take his ugly cousin to the dance. They do it, but you can tell that his bellicose shouting, and constant interruptions, make them uncomfortable and they don't like it, and mostly just want to get it over with.
You would think that Alex would have the decency not to feed into some spoiled, self destructive, narcissistic, idiot like Charlie Sheen as he self destructs in front of the whole world with pills, alcohol, and whores, but think again !
Apparently, Alex doesn't care any more about his guests the he does about his audience, as long as more people buy his books, and tapes, and t-shirts, and CD's, and Videos, and on, and on, ad infinitum .
I'll tell you the truth, I half way expected to hear that he had Gadaffi on his show to 'tell his side of the story', but then after thinking about it for a minute, I'm sure there is a better chance that Gadaffi would rather go on food stamps, or open a kosher deli on 42nd street in New York.
However, after considering it for a moment, Charlie and Alex have a lot in common !
Come to think of it, they pretty much deserve each other.

Calling a Spade ... A Spade !

"People accuse me of trying to over simplify things sometimes .. and maybe they are right .. They tell me it is a desperate attempt to wrap my limited intelligence around some pretty complicated issues that I couldn't possibly understand because of their complexity, and while I'm willing to concede the possibility, I tend to see it as an attempt on my part to take the rivers of 'you know what' emanating from 'The Government' and 'The Main Stream Media' and 'The Politicians' and 'The Think Tanks' and on and on .. and turn a high pressure hose on that steaming heap of 'information' until all that's left is the truth, the facts, the real stuff ! .... And That's My Story and I'm Sticking to It !!"

As my bloodshot eyes were scanning an article about Hillary, this morning, I noticed that she called the Israeli Settlements 'Illegitimate'. Somehow at 3:30 AM, after sitting in front of a computer screen all day, the term seemed slightly odd to me, and I sat back for a minute to think about it. After a couple of minutes, I got to thinking about why she didn't say 'illegal'.There are legal connotations to both terms, and while I am not by any means a legal authority, it seemed to me that 'illegitimate' seemed at first, like some kind of diplomatic double speak for phony or counterfeit so as to invalidate any claim, while on the other hand, the term 'illegal' seemed to denote the previous, as well as an additional responsibility to act to correct a violation of some clear law somewhere.I thought to myself of course ! She is explaing why we have no responsibility to 'act' on this injustice.

As I continued to contemplate the implications for this choice of terminology, despite Israel's 60 year reign of terror and genocide against the Palestinians' rights and freedom (among other things). It occurred to me that if I were arguing with some Pro-Zionist Jew, about how he could possibly justify this horror that has taken place, he might just look me in the eye and jam his finger in my chest and say, "Who the hell are you, to be lecturing me ! It was only a few hundred years ago that you "Good Christians' landed on the Plymouth Rock seeking 'religious freedom' and then proceeded to kill, maim, subjugate, enslave, and generally wipe out millions of indigenous people in your country for the next 200 years or more ! You called it 'Eminent Domain' when you do it, but you call it genocide when we do it !"

And there it was ! Like a slap in the face, I knew why for years, even before I was aware of all that the Palestinians have suffered, discussions about the Palestinian Israeli questions always made me 'uncomfortable'. It was in a sense, an 800 pound gorilla in the room that over the years had become almost transparent.

Now for those who don't know me, I am a Christian, and I make no 'bones' about it, and I love GOD ! I am also an American and I love my country ! These things in my mind at least, shouldn't conflict. As a Christian I must examine the history of my country from a Christian perspective, and admit to the genocide we've committed in this country, as well as countries all over the world. Until we do this, We cannot fairly deal with other countries. It is only when we examine this issue that we come to realize why the rest of the world can hear only hypocrisy when we point our finger at them in condemnation. But point our finger we must !

As Americans, we must tell our friends and our enemies alike when they accuse us of this, "Yes you're right ! Absolutely right !" We must take 'ownership' of our heritage, all of it, not just the Flag, and the 4th of July, and that fuzzy feeling we get when they play the national anthem. We must stand before the world and proclaim, Yes, we have done these things as a country, and they were wrong ! They were indefensible ! and I hate that ! But I am an American ! and I love my country, none the less, and while I'm a little too late to change history, I cannot, and I will not stand by and and watch innocent people dying in Palestine and other countries all over the world because I don't wish to be 'uncomfortable' by being reminded of my country's own history as well as it's current policies.

Most folks don't like admitting they were wrong, and I guess it's natural enough, but we as a nation must admit it, because only then can we claim the 'moral authority' to point the finger at anyone else. We (as a country) need to man up and deal with it, and move on to the critical business of stopping the murder in Palestine and around the world !

My religion teaches me that if I 'repent' of my actions and ask HIS forgiveness, that GOD will forgive me. Repent (as I understand it) doesn't mean "Sorry bout that", it means stop going in the direction you have been, and change your direction, change your behavior and your actions.

GOD may forgive us for our past, but HE will not forgive us for standing by and watching as evil sweeps the globe unopposed, if we fail to confront that evil inside and outside of our country.

If we don't do that, then we as a nation, will have a very short, and a very painful future, and we can't blame it on God or anyone, or anything else, because we will have brought it on ourselves !

The Saga of Lara
Logan .. Part ll !

Well folks as you may have imagined, today I grabbed my pick and shovel and went out on the net to see what gems of truth I could find to fill in the holes on this story. What I found out was quite another matter, as it appears that, if not the story, at least the way the story is being handled has been orchestrated without a doubt.

Since the invention of the fax machine (and later the net) those in power have had to change their approach to keeping things quiet. No longer could they suppress, kill and threaten those who know what's going on to keep it all hush hush. When somebody in Moscow, or Cairo or wherever can slip a document or picture into a fax machine, (or email) and have it pop out in New York City it became time to re-formulate their approach to 'security'. Apparently someone suggested the 'Gold Nugget in the bucket of mud' approach to hiding the facts. Since they could no longer hide the truth, they decided to dump tons of BS out there to help cover it up. Today I've been out there slogging through that mud. It's dirty time consuming work, but you would be surprised what you can find out if you have the time (and the stomach) to wade through it.

First of all I wont bore you with all the garbage I read today but suffice to say 98% of the sites were .. 'Oh Boo Hoo ..Poor Lara' .. stuff, mostly including an unbelievable amount of Anti-Arab, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Men, Anti-Egyptian 'clap trap' for lack of a better word. I expected this, I mean we're men right? We don't like to see women beat up or assaulted, it makes us mad and we want to protect women from all that. It's our nature. However .. I didn't quite expect the amount of vitriolic outpouring of hatred, racism, and Anti-Muslim bigotry I ran into.

Secondly, this is the first time I can remember, that I ran into so many websites that had the comments section CLOSED or so heavily moderated that no questioning of the story or comments about Logan herself were tolerated ! Even the 'drone' sites that just carried the straight story from CBS (Complete BullS hit ) mostly fell into this category. So people have to ask themselves what is it about this story that makes it sooo .. important that NO QUESTIONS about the full story and NO COMMENTS running contrary to their piece will be tolerated ! (Most of them shut down the comment section rather then even take a chance that someone might question what they were dishing out.) Getting that many sites to shut down their comment section for this (one) story is quite a feat ! Face it, that fact alone screams orchestrated !!
Third, a few years ago stories of her sexual exploits with the troops etc. were fairly common on the web, but it looks like they've been pretty well vacuumed up with the exception of this one .. In 2008, she became a minor tabloid press sensation – NY Post Page Six, and even the holiest of holies, The National Enquirerat the center of a Baghdad romantic triangle. One guy was a US Embassy attaché, the other a CNN reporter. from Mallory's Camera

Fourth, as the Committee to Protect Journalists correctly pointed out that 52 journalists were attacked and 76 were imprisoned during the unrest in Egypt that led Mubarak to step down after 30 years in power. All have been released, it said. One journalist, Ahmad Mohamed Mahmoud of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ta'awun, was killed while filming clashes near Tahrir Square, the CPJ said." .... Reuters ( So with over 100 journalists attacked or arrested Why Lara Logan ? .. What makes this story so 'special' ? )

As I mentioned in my previous article yesterday, "this just don't feel, look, or smell right !" For instance even Susan Milligan from US News (Hardly a Muslim friendly person, had to admit ..) "In Muslim Albania, I found that rebels who stopped to check us for weapons would barely touch me, although they would examine my male colleagues in a way that would make a TSA screener blush. As Muslims, they automatically recoiled at touching a strange woman .. (I’d pull open my field vest to show I had no weapons, which was enough)"

"The Wall Street Journal cited an unnamed source as saying Logan, a married mother, was not raped, however, details regarding the exact nature of the assault remain unclear. ... Neither CBS nor Logan reported the crime to Egyptian authorities " The Post Chronicle
"The difference was Coopers attack and the arrest and assault on journalist at that time, supposedly came from pro Mubarak forces trying to squelch the uprising. Logan 's assault came at a time when .. the Egyptian people were jubilant and celebrating in the streets of Cairo" Yahoo Associated Content

"It is unclear whether Friday's assault against Ms. Logan had political aims." WSJ

I could fill up 3 more pages of these quotes but as Mike Rivero @ commented .. "This Logan story is a repeat the Jessica Lynch hoax used to help sell the Iraq war, only it turned out Jessica wasn’t such an innocent lady after all." (Complete with pix of her) and I tend to agree with him.

If this wasn't a 'put up job' to throw mud on the Egyptians, Muslims, and Arabs in general, coming out of Israel through their control of the Media, it would be the first time in history ! So stay tuned folks, If I were a betting man I'd be looking for pix or videos of her with at least a black eye (from her vicious 'assault') to show up in the next few days to two weeks, even if she has to go back over and hire somebody to get one !

Lara Logan Part l
"I've got an 8 pound Bass hanging on the wall that, if he could talk, would tell you what happens when you swallow anything that is presented without checking it out really well first, and this story smells like he would after about three days in the sun !"

I was talking to a friend of mine as I scanned the international news websites starting with Matt Drudge, when the headline blared out the news . As soon as I saw it, I immediately said, I bet it's Lara Logan !.. No I didn't have special powers, or inside info, but I do have a good memory.
I remembered the 'scuttlebutt' during the Iraq war and Afghanistan recounting her interesting habit of attempting to break the monotony over there by 'boinking' several soldiers and other contract employees sometimes in the back of pickup trucks and hummers. This practice was widely known by those who could get her anything she was in need of. (transportation to the front, permission to travel to certain destinations, information she could use, etc.) That's why I said I bet its Lara Logan. It just didn't smell right. (No pun intended) but back to the story.

So let's start out with the term most journalists and editors use until the facts are proven. The Term is 'allegedly' .
Were there any witnesses to this alleged 'sexual' assualt ? (as opposed to a crowd of people hollering at her, or smacking or pushing her around and in the process touching her in her 'no no places' as we tell our kids) You know witnesses are people willing to come forward and say 'Yep, I saw it, that's what happened all right'

The second red flag was the use of terms like 'she was surrounded by dangerous elements' and 'It was a crowd of 200 whipped up into a frenzy !' nothing suspicious here right ??!!

'She was rescued by a group of women and about 20 soldiers' .. so I assume one of them (at least) must have seen this alleged 'sexual' assault right? Did they attempt to take her to any hospital or anywhere else for medical treatment ? Did the soldiers attempt to round up those responsible ? Did in fact, anybody see this alleged sexual assault which presumably took place in a crowd of thousands of witnesses ? C'mon folks .. anybody ?

Another red flag (for me) was .. 'she was covering the 'jubilation in the square' and I thought to myself, is this what people in Egypt do when they are celebrating their new found freedom? Is this what I would do if I were an Egyptian and I had just heard that this tough fought battle against Mubarak was won ? At a time when I'd be standing there with my heart bursting with pride and my mouth filled with joyous chants, do I say .. 'Hey I'm so proud to re-write Egyptian history after years of oppression, let's go grab that american reporter and beat her up and have our way with her guys. I mean who will see it, who will notice? ... I think not.

Look folks we'd already seen Anderson Cooper being chased all over Cairo, and 'roughed up' (he must have come from a different neighborhood then were I grew up !) and sweet little Katie Couric run screaming to the airport after being 'crowded' so reporters being chased and screamed at, at this point, was getting to be a normal bill of fare on the TV news. Typical page 6 stuff.

Then along comes Lara, a little bigger, a little different, a little better story Lara. A reporter with a reputation for doing whatever it takes to get 'face time' on TV Lara.
I suspect that she knew that getting roughed up would have hardly elicited a yawn at that point, so she decided to 'pump it up' or 'sex it up' as the Brits would say, just a little. Let's make it more interesting. We'll add a little sex to the story (You know how those Americans love that stuff !)

Did they throw her down on the ground and gang rape her, or did some Egyptian in his excitement plant a wet one on her face without asking her permission first ? (the nerve !) I mean we know 'Those Mooslims' are known for sexually assaulting women in crowded squares in front of thousands of witnesses right ? Please !!

I've got an 8 pound Bass hanging on the wall that, if he could talk, would tell you what happens when you swallow anything that is presented without checking it out really well first, and this story smells like he would after about three days in the sun !

So, if "There will be 'no further comment from CBS News' and correspondent 'Logan and her family respectfully request privacy at this time" ... I guess we'll just have to take her word for it right ? (Not !!)
Sorry Lara, if its all true, you have my sympathies, but until I hear it from witnesses all I can say is ..Lara your reputation precedes you !

But true or false .. Let's examine how this story will play .. What's the subliminal message here ?.. What will the drones walk away with after reading it .. 'Those Egyptians have brought shame down on themselves and Egypt !' .. 'How brave our journalists are for facing these beatings and assaults in an effort to defend the 4th Estate !' ... Now who would want to put that kind of a message out ! Surely not the big MSM's like Fox, CNN, ABC, or CBS !

Now I'm aware that some REAL journalists were arrested and beaten etc, but as far as I can keep count, most of the 'talking heads' from the MSM that were there trying to use the occasion as a backdrop for there stories, ended up suffering mostly from shoulder sprains as a result of excessive 'patting themselves on the back' for being sooo brave !

Honestly, I'm beginning to think that CBS has come to stand for 'Complete Bull Shi # ..'
Yahoo's Story here ... Scroll down to the comments section at the bottom of the page .. Interestingly it says "There are no comments yet" and underneath that ..
"Comments have been closed for this article" well, I guess that's one way of stifling the input ! I wonder why?

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