Thursday, December 16, 2010

« Jon Stewart: Boehner Is Profoundly Retarded, Deficit Monster Is Going To Eat Our Babies (Must See) »

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Deductible Me

Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Editor's Note - I'm reposting this excellent clip in honor of Boehner's 60 Minutes appearance earlier this week.


Daily Show Video: Aired Aug. 12, 2010

  • "Republicans don't realize that extending the Bush tax cuts will strengthen the deficit monster that's going to eat our babies."
  • Jon Stewart didn't really know what to say last night about Republicans who complain about the deficit but advocate for renewing the Bush tax cuts. So he turned to House Minority Leader "and retired Syracuse mascot" John Boehner (R-OH) for a solution to the country's economic woes. Boehner has said that "the only way we're going to get our economy going again and solve our budget problems is to get the economy moving."
  • "The only way to get our economy going, is to get it moving?" Stewart asked. "That is either the most profound or most retarded statement I've ever heard. You know what, actually it's the most profoundly retarded statement I've ever heard."

Mission f'ing accomplished. Seriously. And for the record, I could care less about the Bush tax cuts and whether or not they're extended. The top rate has alternated between 36% and 39% for 2 decades, and I honestly don't think it will make much difference if it shifts back to 39%. Shoot me. I believe that tax cuts generally encourage growth, but austerity is finally coming to our shores, and I prefer not to fight something I've been begging for.

Back to the mission. Debt and deficit awareness. That's all it's about. It's why I launched the Bail. I saw the train coming and knew there had to be a site to chronicle, curate, aggregate. And frankly, after worrying about unfunded entitlements for most of my adult life, I am surprised, shocked even at the explosion of awareness in the past 18 months. When John Stewart does a clip mocking deficit fear-mongering and the audience gets it and laughs their ass off, then public awareness has been achieved. Even the kids have figured it out. It's awesome stuff. I'm happy. Two decades I've been waiting for this. Doesn't mean we've won.

So enjoy as Jon Stewart toasts John Boehner for deficit hypocrisy. By the way, the same John Boehner who said last month that the Social Security retirement age needs to be raised to 70 in order to fund the wars. Yes, he said that. As Pitchfork said last night, you have to remember that war funding is more or less equivalent to the $700 billion TARP, each and every year. And just like with TARP, we have little to show for the investment. Wall Street and the defense industry are thriving, just as Bush-Obama would hope, while just about everyone else is sufferring or knows someone who is. And I mean suffering. No job, family to support, few prospects and a hell of a lot of fear and self doubt. That's the aftermath of a 2-decade credit bubble in human terms.

With victory comes hubris, so how about a Friday F You to a few of the architects of our destruction. A large, collective middle finger aimed at Greenspan, Rubin, Summers, Nixon (gold standard), Roosevelt (gold standard), Wilson (Fed creation in 1914), Geithner, Bernanke, Clinton (glass-steagall), Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy, James Cramer, both Bushes, Hank Paulson, Dan Jensen, Stephen Friedman, Joseph Cassano, Obama, Paul Kanjorski, Gingrich, Boehner, McCain, Robert Byrd, Rostenkowski (I have a long memory), Reagan, Tip O'Neil, every single Kennedy ever, Reid, Pelosi, Mary Meeker, Frank Quattrone, Alan Blinder, every talking head who says: "No one saw it coming", the quasi-existent PPT (the FED has 400 traders now -- don't F with me), Ken Lewis, Stan O'Neill, Chuck Prince, that worthless piece of maggot shit John Thain, Dick Fuld, Jimmy Cayne, Neil Kashkari, Judd Gregg, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Paul Krugman. Just for starters.


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