Friday, November 26, 2010

This is our Greatest Crime against Ourselves.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

We’ve been waiting and watching for some time. We’ve been traveling through a period of fits and starts that has gone on longer than anyone expected; those of us paying any attention anyway. For the rest of us it’s just been an extended period of ever increasing, restless sleep.

It’s the time of The Apocalypse. I know I say this a lot but it is the most impressive feature of the times in which we live. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about and this is but a portion of the things that are about to be revealed and which are meant to serve as roadmarks and impetus for the awakening of humanity. This is the reason that certain powerful temporal entities are seeking to gain control of the past in order to continue the myth of their assumed status in the present based on a fabricated and fictitious past. At the moment, corrupt politicians are seeking to make it a crime in Canada to even criticize Israel.

I hear quite often from people who want me to condemn Jews wholesale for the crimes of a particular collection of groups of bad pennies, which in elder times were called Pharisees (as well as other names) and there were and are other groups who contribute to the evil of these times and are blatantly identifiable in their works by which you can know what they are. Jews are not a race and I’m not sure about it being a religion either, if you include things like The Talmud. They are a collection of many tribes who may define themselves as such but are occasionally as unlike each other as any two groups can be.

Because I do not believe that all who call themselves Jews are evil, I am not going to go down that road. I’m not sure I can define evil but I know it when I see it. It is because of my ambivalence in this regard that I have put a Jew in a major role in my new novel and it will, no doubt, piss some people off. So don’t purchase it when it comes out for sale around Christmas if you’re that narrow and inflexible. It’s not what you think but… what is?

I will never be able to acquit myself in certain circles simply because of the intensity of what I have stated in these blogs and what I am going to state in my musical album devoted to these malefactors at some time in the near present. My views on certain historical fictions and the leverage gained, as well as the plague of Jewish bankers and various, financially and politically connected control freaks of the same stripe, who see all other life forms as sub human, is certain to arouse a judgment against me but I am comfortable with that as I know what I believe and upon what it is based and can argue and prove my points and positions so that they cannot be refuted in any way known to us.

I’ve had to think about the position my position might put me in. I could easily have sidestepped it but it would not have been honest. I would have then been like everyone else who makes noisome apologies for demonic wretches of whom they are afraid. I’m not afraid of them and if I were it would be an offense against the divine. I am not always comfortable with the role I have chosen and been chosen to play. I have had to think about the possible repercussions upon friends and associates and, once again, I am less willing to take the road of a coward out of unnecessary fears that would stand as evidence that I did not, in fact, believe in what I say I do and would also be proof that I am easily compromised, when it comes to the safety of my person. My safety is not in their hands but fearing them might put it there.

I’m aware that 94% of Israelis support the horror that Israel is and the horrors that it engages in. I do not know if the remaining 6% do not support them or are merely silent. That is something that might deserve scrutiny. It is a matter of no small irony to me that they are all gathered in one spot and another irony that their number approaches a figure they have been seeking to make real for some time. Perhaps that is what it is all about. It is certainly a remarkable juxtaposition of several compelling points.

I’ve been told that Zionist Jews are a recent thing and so is Israel. I’ve been told that when I reference times prior to the existence of either that I am talking about Jews period and that I should just acknowledge it. The fact is that whatever they may have been calling themselves, they still fall under the behavior definition of more recent terms and I am not going to condemn an entire group of people, even if those who are not connected to the terrible behaviors of recent and present times is small in respect of their mass. I’m not stupid. It’s not like I can’t see the tremendous weight of evidence against these people, since they have been identified as running around in these environs. BUT… I have seen… met… and know of exceptions and I am not going to play into the hands of the real enemy by making wholesale judgments. In many cases, it is possible that many of these people are deluded and will wake up shortly, just as we hope the Luddite, fundie Christians will awaken from their dreams of vengeance, blood and reflexive damnation of everyone who doesn’t meet the criteria for their Mr. Potato Head religion.

Let me get to the point of which this is all preface anyway. What do you think is the greatest crime that all of us or any of us perpetrate upon ourselves and others? What is the greatest sin that should concern all of us far more than the sins of others or the possibility that an entire group of people is evil to the bone (they’ve got plenty of company)?

Our greatest crime is that we do not let the beauty of our internal animating force shine through us. We block its presence with our diseased personality and all of its obnoxious vanities and presumptions of worth. We set ourselves up as the thing itself and confine and imprison our real self, while we parade around in a chronic blasphemy against everything of meaning and value within us. Because of our reluctance or inability to let our inner light shine forth, we shed darkness upon our world with our every breath and our every movement. We steal the motive power of that which animates us and claim it as our own.

We prance and ponce around like obnoxious, cosmeticized imitations of something we have neither the wit nor the depth to comprehend. We are bad actors who brutally misplay our parts and then leap to the center of the stage to collect the accolades of fools no better informed than ourselves. We deceive each other with every word and act. We scheme and plot for our own advantage, while presenting ourselves as generous and gracious creatures but who wouldn’t know real sacrifice or humility if it bit us on the ass. We’re an embarrassment to life and a perfect expression of why those who truly are evil can manipulate us so well.

It’s a simple thing that is asked of us and that is to let what we really are express itself through us; to truly and consistently live what we say we believe. Because we are too cowardly to do so, due to our attachment to the nauseating spectacle of shameless posturing and assorted shortcomings, which we glorify as virtues, we have committed the worst offenses against ourselves, each other and the one who gave us the opportunity to shine and be greater than we possess the imagination to comprehend. We are a project of remorseless and persistent failure as human beings and a much greater failure at that promised potential that is our birthright and destiny, had we the awareness to see it. We haven’t even got enough presence of mind to be ashamed of ourselves.

I know my failures because I can see them in the moment of their occurrence or very soon after. I’m looking for them. I can only be sorry and strive harder. I can’t do anything on my own. I am lucky I can tie my shoes. I can’t achieve anything nor can I free myself of what holds me back, no matter how hard I might struggle or try. That lies in the merciful hands of the one who leads me on. I try to remind myself each day, just how helpless I am and just how perpetually deceived by the machinations of my mind which, like all minds, is engaged in a ceaseless battle to survive as what it is …and which is impossible …as it is. The mind is your greatest enemy and your most powerful friend, depending on a few key understandings. Until that is sorted, it doesn’t matter what else you get up to. It will fall short and it will compromise, confine and kill you.

I am extremely optimistic. I feel good and have increasingly greater moments of real joy. I cannot possibly convey what it is like for me to have my invisible friends to guide and protect me (from myself… grin). I only wish everyone had such friends as I …and you do if you would take the trouble to seek them out and pay the price of their company. We are missing the point. We are the problem. All other problems are solved once the primary problem is taken care of. “Physician, heal thyself”. Take this for what it’s worth.

End Transmission.......

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