Monday, October 4, 2010


We can no longer blame our leaders, starting with President Obama, for betraying our trust and demand for change ~ for the time has come for Americans to realize that WE are the ones we have been waiting for: Allen L Roland

In 2008, I was one of the millions of Americans who voted for change. I felt Barack Obama represented a needed change from the blatant deception and lies of the Cheney/Bush administration.

I was one the millions of Americans who celebrated Barack Obama's victory and the chance for a new people oriented direction in Washington ~ based on integrity, transparency and honesty.

Little did I realize that a great river was beginning to flow .

I am now one of the millions of Americans who feel let down, if not betrayed, by President Obama and his promises of a new transparency in government, a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, the closing of guantanamo, the end of torture and renditions, the end of illegal spying of American citizens as well as the prosecution of those who betrayed our constitution.

The great river has slowly gained strength

With each column I write exposing the growing list of lies and deceptions of this administration I find myself joined by thousands if not millions of Americans who will no longer settle for politics as usual and are joined by our common desire
for truth and political fair play.

The great river is now beginning to run very fast .

Now I realize along with thousands if not millions of
Americans that I am in that swift river, trusting its destination and celebrating its power ~ for its power
is the voice of the people collectively demanding and acting for change .

For it's not the government we need to take back ~ it's the corporate control of our government and our citizens which must end.

The great river is now very powerful and swift and nothing can keep it from its destination.

It's message is clear ~ We can no longer wait for the leaders, we must all now be the leaders and demand honesty, transparency and change .

We must individually go inside and find our special role in an evolving loving plan in action and sing our song within a chorus of millions who are doing the same thing.

Only then will we understand this Message from
the Hopi Elders.

Allen L Roland

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Freelance Online columnist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews and speaking engagements ( )

Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on


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