Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thoughts on Tolerance

A commonly made statement concerning tolerance is the hallmark of delusion about what is important in this world for human beings. These widespread Christian notions of tolerance just do not meet with reality.

In the most common notion of tolerance there is set forth an all too common Cracker-Jack box philosophy -a sort of intellectual mush that clogs the intestines, causes a vicious rheumatoidal malady of the mind, and too-often leads to an early death -by mugging, manslaughter or murder.

Everyone's mental skeleton creaks in old age. The tolerant have mental bones that creak at thirty -from a lack of proper mental exercise.

Such a parody of the belief in tolerance among the historic purveyors of such Christian idiocy is played-out in Boston's Copley Square -in the obscene and ridiculous new plaza under the shadow of Trinity Church -where bums and malefactors of every creed now spend their endlessly idle days in a putrid permanence with a violently nauseating effect -that should exclude most human beings from ever setting foot in the plaza. We should be tolerant!

Such intellectual mush breeds a volatile Existentialist ooze. That mud is not flammable-though. You will simply drown in it -flailing your arms until you are exhausted and succumb, trampled over until not even your creaky-bones remain.

The Governor of Massachusetts is some swarthy twit named "Deval" now. Great. Be tolerant. Deval has said he is for letting in anyone on the Southern border of the U.S. -because they will vote for his political party.

Are the Democrats becoming The Party of Pigmentation?

What is important to human beings -is that we recognize our intolerance as a survival mechanism. Intolerance is no less a survival mechanism than the feudal walls that should surround any proper town.

It is the vast differences between peoples we should cultivate, respect and cherish, not the immoral homogenization of tolerance that would eventually render humanity swarthy from one end of the globe to the other.

These are my two sons, nearly thirty years ago:

Would you drive their type extinct? Doubtless you would with your tolerance -because their type is a target of the mongrel masses of humanity that are increasingly populating the vastly over-populated world.

Rest assured, the swarthy mass has no tolerance of us.

Some peoples need vast open spaces. Some can live standing one on top of the other a hundred feet in the air.

Diversity is what is important, regardless. - So how do we protect diversity?

To protect diversity, we require intolerance, -and lots of it freely expressed and acted upon with a crude vengeance.

The deer are not tolerant of the wolves.

And the wolves are not tolerant of the deer.

And neither would either be all that they are -without their own intolerance.

I like all people -BUT where they are- not in Copley Square dragging about their shopping carts and lounging in the sun in indolence and a rank-human-shamelessness.

Call me xenophobic if you will. But -get out of the way when I am swinging the broad ax I was born with between my teeth.

I honestly want to be able to dispense with that which I am intolerant.

I do not trust government to do the job. Government ...

Government to have any efficacy would need to require constant surveillance of everyone in the government, drug testing, open medical records -and- for everyone-in government -an open accounting system monitoring all their finances. This has proved impossible. So, periodically -we roll out the guillotines. It has been coming -far too long now.

That is what history and human nature tells us succinctly.

The government is my enemy. Tolerance is my enemy.

I am probably most intolerant of government.

That is a statement that should explain better -some of what I say here -for the vast majority of my fellow-intolerant-humanity.

We have all been sold a humanitarian feel-good fraud by a government that wants to treat us all alike. Get in line citizen, and be tolerant.

Yeh? Get in line? Be tolerant? Not for the lying, thieving murderous scum in our government.


The religious are taught tolerance makes them more god-like.

They are not gods.

Of course the religious will deny that they are gods. But out of the corner of their mouths when no one is listening the religious will mouth the words indicating that they will be immortal -like a GOD- because they are tolerant, "on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Tolerance does not make for a better world.,+Bryant+Street,+1950.jpg


Anonymous said...

Please read Commander Carr's book. Pawns in the Game , page 118.
‘ We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance
that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our Control Commissions will, in the
interests of peace, and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with whites. The
white women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women.
Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white
man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory........."
This all part of the PLAN to produce a homogenous mestizo race with no history, pride or culture, thus easily sheeple like controlled.

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