Sunday, September 12, 2010


Does the world really believe it is not OK to kill the Message, but definitely OK to kill the messenger?

Image by Steve Bell
Today is the day….. 9/11 is here! Today is the day a small group of (approximately 50) people will gather in a small town in Florida to burn copies of the Quran. The lunatic ‘pastor’ behind this has already accomplished what he wanted, he has gotten the attention of the entire world by threatening this madness. Mission accomplished without striking a single match.

The world has expressed outrage, even some US public officials have joined in the outcry against this…. President Obama and Sarah Palin included. An outrage that demonstrates the complete hypocrisy of the world, especially those US public officials.
An outcry against burning copies of the Quran…. that is noble … a noble cover up of America’s war crimes!

BUT….. where was/is the outcry at the MURDER of millions of readers of that very Book? Where was/is the outcry when the US slaughtered over a million and a half Quran readers in Iraq? Where was/is the outcry when the US slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Quran readers in Afghanistan? Where was/is the outcry when the US slaughtered thousands of Quran readers in Pakistan (just yesterday 4 Pakistani children were added to the death toll).
Where was/is the outcry when the US aided and supported the slaughter of thousands of Palestinian Quran readers?

Does nobody give a damn? Does the world really believe it is not OK to kill the Message, but definitely OK to kill the messenger?

Is it not time to kill the message of hate …. before we are all killed by it?

On this 9/11, let us all stand as one against hatred and intolerance …. let us raise our voices together against the war crimes of the United States and the hatred that they generate.

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