Monday, July 12, 2010

"You can have my ignorance when you pry it from my cold dead mind"

The above words are from Les Visible. It's a great line.

Wherever the American dream is buried, I bet it is the epitaph on the tombstone ... or should be.

Since sorrow never comes too late,
And happiness too swiftly flies.
Thought would destroy their paradise.
No more, where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise.
Thomas Gray

Have you ever been involved in a conversion where you try to interject a bit of information, maybe even what could be considered truth that's relevant to our lives and get the response; "I don't want to know?"

It's frustrating. Being passionate about the truth, about exposing the crimes and lies of our time often means one expects everyone else to feel that same passion. It just doesn't work that way. You preach to the choir, they shout and sing, but getting new converts to your position is a slow and difficult process. Folks hold their beliefs close to the heart and think they must in order to survive.

It's a cliche now ... "Everything I Know is Wrong" but still not a bad philosophy. I always thought it meant to never stop learning and don't believe everything you see and hear. When thrown in with the "seek and ye shall find" meme it forms the basics of a lifetime of searching. Simple but effective.

Of course, many are going to tell you that everything you know is still wrong. Just asking questions, especially the politically incorrect kind, gets you labeled as a heretic because control, manipulation and social engineering work much better if the masses sleepwalk.

Ignorance is never really bliss. No matter how ugly the truth, it still beats a pretty lie.

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