Monday, July 19, 2010

Global Warming Scam : 2010 is Not the Hottest Year

Warmers and Democrats are once again getting overheated by their own propaganda; claiming 2010 is the hottest year on record. The current Cap-n-Trade promotional reads something like this (from The Hill blogs):

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported Thursday that the January-June period was the warmest worldwide on record, based on average land and ocean temperatures.

The NOAA data, which is based on records dating to 1880, ....

From NOAA's webpage:

NOAA: June, April to June, and Year-to-Date Global Temperatures are Warmest on Record

The monthly analysis from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, which is based on records going back to 1880, is part of the suite of climate services NOAA provides government, business and community leaders so they can make informed decisions.

If you'd like to see a graph, click here.

According to Marc Morano at Climate Depot, the 10th of a degree difference they're talking about is the result of cherry-picking data.

Besides – this is summer, and what they're talking about is weather, not climate change.

But aside from the normally expected counter-analysis to warmist claims from those who are actually scientifically competent, there is a particular phrase in the new promo that immediately catches my attention - on record.

What record?

Even the most recent fake British inquiry into the behavior of scientists at East Anglia had to admit that their data was “misleading.” Now one needs merely to take notice of the copy-paste arguments of rank and file warmers. NOAA has routinely presented results corresponding to those of East Anglia.

One of the most important facts discovered in relation to Climategate was that East Anglia's Phil Jones went to great effort to falsify temperature records throughout the world, asking its caretakers to replace their data with his fake data and for permission to present his fake data as original data from them. The United States, NOAA included, was not on the very short list of countries that said no. (And while we're at it, NASA – i.e. the godfather of the global warming hoax James Hansen at Columbia – is also not on that list.)

The Climategate conspirators have all gone back to work as if nothing happened. Warmers are once again using their products as talking points to promote arbitrary tax increases and government take-overs. Are they really expecting the rest of us to believe any of it? (Keywords: “hockey stick”, “trick”, “hide the decline”)

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