Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying taxes, start a new government? 5 of 13

David Degraw has written an outstanding comprehensive explanation of what’s really happening in the US economy. He’s given me permission to reprint it here. I also recommend his site "For Our Economy" for citizen grass-roots activism for economic justice.

Regarding the title of Americans starting a new government, I remind readers of the Declaration of Independence; our core American principles of government. The below links document that US political “leadership” is not even close to following our constitutional limitations and therefore are “leading” unlawfully. Americans with an oath to defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, should choose to either honor their oath or admit allegiance to the current fascist imposter of the greatness this nation is on paper and in our ideals.
Another excellent summary is economist James Galbraith’s recent expert testimony to the US Senate Judiciary Committee of what will become “emperor has no clothes” obvious: the US economy is a rigged casino. Here is my best pitch to explain and document the fraud. Here is my best explanation of the obvious solutions. Here are my comprehensive resources to understand the US oligarchy in all its unlawful infamy in unlawful wars, war lies, torture and indefinite detention (including against Americans), and our controlled economic demolition.
I’ll present David’s documentation and analysis in 13 segments; each with his introduction. Use the “previous” and “next” buttons under the title to navigate to the different segments. Please share broadly with the understanding that all our economic problems really exist on paper only. They are propagandized and managed frauds; solved almost instantly by an economic structure designed for the public good rather than designed for an oligarchy. I stake my professional reputation on the factual reality of these statements and prove their objective existence in the data in the above links.
I appreciate David Degraw’s leadership to research and communicate the facts, and help us all embrace the terrible truth of US fascism that We the People must expose and end in order to unleash humanity and build a brighter future for all of us.
Look and verify for yourself. Res ipsa loquitur.
Is It Time for Law Abiding American Citizens to Stop Paying Their Taxes and Start a New Government?
By David DeGraw, AmpedStatus Report
The evidence is now overwhelming. The United States government has facilitated the theft of trillions of dollars of national wealth and 99% of the US population no longer has political representation.
Now that I have your attention, I want to make it clear to you that I am being rational and serious when I ask this question: Is it time for law abiding American citizens to stop paying their taxes and start a new government?
Before you roll your eyes and dismiss me as some “extremist,” let me explain the situation to those who are unfamiliar with my past reports. In my report on the Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States, I lay out the case proving that our economy and tax system has become an organized criminal operation. I defy anyone who spends time researching and analyzing the facts and overwhelming evidence to support this claim to prove otherwise. I invite anyone who thinks I’m wrong to a debate on national television. I’m talking to you, Tim Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon and President Obama!
I torturously spend 60 plus hours a week researching this and the torrent of devastating news and evidence is mounting by the minute. The staggering level of theft continues unabated. As I am watching this unfold, I am horrified thinking about the severe consequences that have only just begun to reap their toll. Our nation is being raped and pillaged. Our future is going up in flames and our government isn’t even making the slightest effort to put out the fire. In fact, they are purposely pouring gasoline all over it.
“There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that… the machine will be prevented from working at all.” – Mario Savio
So let me take a deep breath and back up for a minute… and explain the urgent gravity of our current crisis.
V: The Goldman Sachs Obama Illusion
We all seem to forget that President Barack “Business International” Obama was hand-picked and funded by Goldman Sachs just before he sprung to popularity when he won the Iowa caucus. There is no question, these are some highly intelligent, mastermind criminals we are dealing with. Goldman Sachs knew a great communicator when they saw one. Obama is a masterful propagandist. I know many Democratic friends of mine get upset when their beloved Obama is implicated in all this. And I completely understand why a record-breaking number of people came out and gave him time they didn’t have and money they couldn’t afford, and worked tirelessly on his campaign, giving all to support the man who was going to bring change and economic justice. If he was working on the issues he campaigned on, I would be supportive too. However, the evidence is now clear and the jury is in, as I explained in more detail in my Financial Coup d-Etat and Af-Pak War Racket reports, Obama and Congress are the ones allowing this to happened and are absolutely vital in facilitating the greatest theft of wealth in history.
Just to quickly sum up, to this day, John Dugan, the most powerful bank lobbyist alive, who played a pivotal role in the theft of trillions is STILL running the federal Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. As Zach Carter wrote in a recent report, “as the chief regulator for the largest US banks, Dugan and his staff are one of the most powerful engines of economic policy in the world…. given Dugan’s record, it’s hard to see why he has been allowed to stay on the job for Obama’s first year.” Zach is putting this very politely, given Dugan’s record it is hard to see how he is not serving a life sentence in prison. On top of this, Obama put Tim Giethner IN CHARGE of the US Treasury! In the most pivotal moments of the bailout (coup), Geithner served as Hank “Pentagon-Sachs” Paulson’s covert operations director as the head of the NY Federal Reserve. And the icing on the cake, Obama boldly backed the reconfirmation of Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman. The list of criminals who remain in power with the direct blessing of Obama is long.
Given this very obvious information, the argument that Obama is just naïve to all this doesn’t hold water, not even a single drop.
I understand that fixing an economy that has been systematically built on theft and corruption is an incredibly difficult task, but there are obvious first steps that need to be taken. Being that Obama loves to name Czars, how about naming white-collar crime expert William K. Black as the Czar of Economic Security. Black released a very short statement detailing his “Top Ten Ways to Crack Down on Corporate Financial Crime.”
"Number one: Fire Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Office of Thrift Supervision chief John Bowman, Fed chief regulator Patrick Parkinson, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Chief John Dugan.
Number two: Create a consumer financial protection agency headed by Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren.
Number three: Get rid of too big to fail.
Number four: Get rid of Ben Bernanke as chair of the Fed. Replace him with Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz.
Number five: Bust up the FBI partnership with the Mortgage Bankers Association.
Number six: Regulate first.
Number seven: Target the top 100 corporate criminals.
Number eight: Fix executive compensation.
Number nine: Appoint a chief criminologist at each of the financial regulatory agencies.
Number ten: Hire 1,000 FBI agents."
Looking at William Black’s last point, consider what he had to say in an interview with Bill Moyers about Bush and Obama’s stunning lack of investigation and enforcement:
“After 9/11, the attacks, the Justice Department transfers 500 white-collar specialists in the FBI to national terrorism. Well, we can all understand that. But then, the Bush administration refused to replace the missing 500 agents. So even today, again, as you say, this crisis is 1000 times worse, perhaps, certainly 100 times worse, than the Savings and Loan crisis. There are one-fifth as many FBI agents as worked the Savings and Loan crisis.”

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