Monday, June 21, 2010

NRA sellout on HR 5175 creates national maelstrom

Call NRA officers listed below to express your outrage at having a gun rights organization betray gun owners’ interests.

On Tuesday, the NRA confirmed that it had carved out a narrow exemption for itself from HR 5175, the misnamed “DISCLOSE Act.” Among onerous requirements, the bill would require any political organization which mentions a candidate for most of an election year to report names of some donors and members to the Federal Election Commission.

When NRA leaders signed on to the deal brokered by Representative Heath Shuler (D-NC), they almost certainly anticipated an outcry from liberal organizations. Indeed, 45 such groups have come out in opposition.

What they probably did not predict, however, was vociferous opposition from their own ranks. Scores of gun rights organizations and ostensibly friendly conservatives have lined up against the NRA over the DICSLOSE Act, including national groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Family Research Council, Freedom Action, Gun Owners of America, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the National Organization for Gun Rights, the Coalition for Liberty, and state level groups such as Grass Roots North Carolina, Gun Owners of Nevada, the Oregon Firearms Federation, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, South Dakota Gun Owners, the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition, and Wisconsin Gun Owners, among many others.

Meanwhile, pro-gun and conservative blogs like teem with opposition to what is commonly perceived as a sellout by the NRA of not only gun owners, but constitutionalists.


But the biggest blockbuster came today in, of all places, The Washington Post, as one of the NRA’s own board members, Cleta Mitchell, wrote a piece entitled “NRA exemption shows campaign disclosure bill's cynical, fatal flaws,” noting:

“The NRA carve-out is a clear example of a congressional speech license…

“This is not just ‘disclosure.’ It is a scheme hatched by political insiders to eradicate disfavored speech. There is no room under the First Amendment for Congress to make deals on political speech, whether with the NRA or anyone else.”


In a feint designed to placate its most loyal followers, the NRA put out a press release implying that it is not the only organization exempted from electioneering speech restrictions:

“On June 14, 2010, Democratic leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives pledged that H.R. 5175 would be amended to exempt groups like the NRA, that meet certain criteria, from its onerous restrictions on political speech. As a result, and as long as that remains the case, the NRA will not be involved in final consideration of the House bill.”

Although NRA supporters have latched on the reference to “groups” and “certain criteria,” however, the fact that only organizations with more than 1 million members in existence for 10 years and operating in all 50 states means that only 3 organizations could benefit: The NRA, the AARP, and the National Humane Society. Given that the AARP routinely lobbies for leftism, and the Humane Society is an extremist animal rights group that lobbies against hunting, that doesn’t put the NRA in very good company, does it?


The question remains: Why do gun rights supporters oppose having the world’s biggest gun rights organization exempted from election speech restrictions? The answer is that, to gun rights activists who thoroughly understand the issues, the NRA has become bloated, self-serving, and unresponsive to its membership.

At both state and federal levels, NRA lobbyists have developed a reputation for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, often making bad deals with entrenched incumbent politicians in order to claim “success” to members.

Last year, the NRA began making cozy noises about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, saying: “For many years now, Harry Reid has been supporting our Second Amendment rights in the U.S. Senate.” This despite the fact that Reid – rated “F” by Gun Owners of America – is widely considered to be vulnerable in his race.

This year, bucking the Tea Party trend of true conservatives unseating incumbents, the NRA endorsed Senator John McCain, despite his history of supporting gun show restrictions.

And for years, state-level activists have reported problems with the NRA supporting anti-gun legislation and politicians for self-serving ends.


Rather than calling general membership numbers, here are some numbers that go directly to NRA officers. Let them know how you feel about having the world’s biggest gun rights organization betray the interests not only of its members, but of gun owners everywhere. North Carolina residents should also call the politician who brokered the deal, Congressman Heath Shuler.

Congressman Heath Shuler: 202- 225-6401. If possible, call on Friday, June 18 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM – but if you miss that time, call regardless.

Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President:
Home: 18 Private Rd #2001ST, Raton NM 87740, (575) 445-5836, (575) 445-2080 fax
Office: International Bank,200 S 2nd Street, Raton NM 87740-3908, (575) 445-2321

Charles L. Cunningham, Director, NRA-ILA Federal Affairs:
4864 Oakcrest Drive, Fairfax VA 22030
703-352-3245, 202-651-2570

David A. Keene, NRA 1st Vice President:
5602 Dawes Ave, Alexandria VA 22311-1102, 703-671-5602

James W. Porter II, NRA 2nd Vice President:
215 21st St N # 1000, Birmingham AL 35203-3710, (205) 322-1744

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