Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth Day

Just need to get something off my chest here.

Your elected officials do not care about the earth. This needs to be reiterated. There is no love for the earth from these individuals. Sure, they come out and say recycle, change your light bulbs, blah blah blah…but it is merely lip service.

These people are against natural law. What am I talking about, you ask. Surely it is good to recycle and do our part.


Natural law is defeated via genetically modified crops and the chemicals used to sustain said crops.

With Tom Vilsack and Islam A. Siddiqui are within the Obama administration, Monsanto has friends in the Obama administration.

You cannot be a friend to the earth and support these policies. You have no labeling, no choice. The food supply is tainted by chemicals and GMO’s…yet they insist on environmental policy. This is a joke. The FDA wants to crack down on salt, which has me laughing and wondering how much more ridiculous this can get.

*Quietly wonders if Monsanto is developing a new form of salt.*

Address the faults of the FDA and USDA regarding GMOs, antibiotics in milk, tainted food…then maybe I can take you seriously.

Until then, this administration is an enemy of the earth, not a friend.

Oh, might want to check up what Monsanto’s Round-Up does to frogs. Yeah, friends of the earth. Quit kidding yourselves. You can recycle all you want to, but the simple fact is that the true, nefarious reasons for the destruction of this planet remain woefully hidden.

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