Wednesday, March 31, 2010

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists

Reporting on cop killing plans of Hutaree cult, CNN zoomed in on Michigan Militia website promoting family picnic

CNN Smears Completely Unconnected Group As Tea Party Terrorists 300310top

During a report on the indictment against members of the Hutaree organization raided by federal authorities this past weekend, CNN displayed images from the Michigan Militia website, a completely unconnected group, and implied that they shared the cop-killing agenda of the Hutaree, in a clear attempt to smear the national Tea Party movement as a terrorist fringe.

Betraying their callous appetite for grist with which to silence their political opposition, establishment media talking heads and self-proclaimed progressives and liberals have zealously pounced upon the Hutaree raid to advance their anti-free speech agenda and smear opponents of Obamacare or big government as extremists and even terrorists who want to kill cops.

This despite the fact that the Hutaree were shunned by other militia and patriot groups precisely because of their advocacy for violence, beliefs that characterized the group as a “low hanging fruit” and easy targets for a federal raid and a subsequent organized media demonization campaign against anyone who dissents against the continued financial raping or any aspect of big government tyranny.

As we have documented, members of the Hutaree concerned themselves with macabre obsessions such as films about killing children and were clearly mentally ill. By tying this in with political paranoia about big government taking over, the group’s behavior lent itself perfectly to media demonization campaigns, an opportunity gleefully seized by the establishment back in October 2008 after one Hutaree member appeared in a You Tube video dressed in camouflage, waving around a machine gun and speaking with a sinister altered voice.

Despite the fact that other patriot groups went to great lengths to ostracize themselves from the Hutaree as a result of this behavior, the media has exploited the raids to imply that every militia and Tea Party group shares their violent agenda.

During a report on the raids and subsequent indictment of the group, CNN attempted to portray the Michigan Militia and the Hutaree as one and the same, despite the fact that the Michigan Militia posted a message on their official website immediately after the raids making it clear that they had no affiliation with the Hutaree, had not been raided, and in fact as subsequent reports revealed, had refused to help the Hutaree when asked because of their concerns over the Hutaree’s previous reckless behavior.

The CNN report featured a long lingering shot of a web page advertising an upcoming Tea Party event while the correspondent discussed charges of killing police officers using explosives.

“We’re looking at the website right now,” states the anchor, as the shot zooms in on the page of the Michigan Militia, which periodically changes to the official Hutaree website. The Michigan Militia website gets more screen time than the Hutaree website, despite the fact that the two groups are completely separate and even hostile to each other.

While the Hutaree allegedly planned to abduct and kill police officers as well as bombing their funerals, the Michigan Militia openly condemns “attacks or threats of any sort directed against our elected representatives or law enforcement officers.”

The Tea Party advertisement that CNN erroneously implied was on the Hutaree website, promotes a family picnic event at a lake recreation area as well as a shooting competition at a privately owned shooting range. The ad clearly states that open carry does not apply at the range and that “absolutely no alcohol, illegal drugs or illegal weapons” should be brought to the event.

Despite the obvious fact that the advertisement was for a completely lawful event organized by a group that has nothing to do with the Hutaree at all, CNN used the image to openly imply that the alleged cop-killing Hutaree members were part of the same organization, demonizing the second amendment and the Tea Party movement all in one fell swoop.

Watch the clip below courtesy of Raw Story.


Alex Jones Inside CNN Attack Piece

In this important interview attempting to link the Patriot movement and the Tea Parties with “violence”, Alex Jones shows us what goes on behind the scenes of the CNN attack piece apparently set on demonizing tea parties and pro-Constitutional movements as “violent”.

Alex instantly recognize the attempt to demonize him personally, as well as to discredit other grassroots political movements by the tone of the producers questions.

The interview, filmed on Friday, was set-up by Anderson Cooper’s producers, but so far hasn’t aired. Was Alex too controversial, or will excerpts of the footage be used in a future segment? We don’t know for sure, but all that Anderson Cooper’s program showed on Friday in connection with the alleged “violent” tendencies was Sarah Palin and John McCain.

Regardless of what CNN chooses to air in the future, or how they might distort Alex’s responses, here is a record of what really happened. It was filmed on a pocket camera, and no audio of CNN’s questions is available, but Alex Jones’ responses are all here, as he denies their attempt to frame his influence over talk radio and in documentary films as connected with “violence” “anarchy” or other such demonized terms.

Alex calls out CNN for their complicity in “violence” through the promotion of the Iraq War– which resulted in more than 1 million dead Iraqi civilians, including women and children. Alex dares CNN to mention over the airwaves the fact that Anderson Cooper was admittedly in the CIA and is part of the elite Astor family, or the fact that CNN reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 more than an hour ahead of attempt, likely in response to an early Reuters wire report. Yet, no retraction has been made.

Whether or not Alex’s strong response to the attempts at painting political dissent as “violent” terrorism will ever be aired or not remains to be seen.

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