Saturday, September 5, 2009

Who Is The Boss?

The bailouts were done to save the big corporations. The citizens paid taxes, or money was borrowed in our name, and the money went to the big corporations. The big corporations then gave out huge bonuses. Some of the corporations actually gave out the exact amount they received from bailouts as bonuses.

Health care reform is something that is for the citizens. So do we ask big corporations to pay taxes, so citizens can have health insurance? No, instead our government is about to pass a low requiring citizens to cough up tons of money, to give to big insurance corporations. That is "reform."

Here is how it is now: We exist to serve the big corporations. That is the purpose of our lives - to be a "productive" member of society. We go to school to learn the things that best serve the big companies. Then we beg to have a "job" which means giving up our brains and labor so someone else can get rich. Once we get a "job" we are "allowed" to have some time off once in a while, if we are lucky. Some of us are allowed to take time off if we get sick.

All of the benefits of our economy now flow to a top few. Vast proportions of the income and wealth now sit at the top 1%. And vast proportions of that sit at the top .01%

by Dave Johnson

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