Thursday, September 3, 2009

Israeli Treachery Against America on 9/11

Cheering Israelis, Were they Tracking Hijackers pre 9/11?

Jews, Mossad, Israel 911 Box Cutter Video

Israeli Treachery Against America, Is it Worth it?

Here is a short narrative regarding the media coverage surrounding the events of 9/11. For an in-depth exploration of this historic attack it is important you visit our Terrorism page. Knowing what we know now, the lack of truthful coverage by the media is really no surprise

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"YES WE CAN"... End US Aid to Israel


Why stop at just military aid? Our monthly welfare checks to that Apartheid nightmare should also cease. And all of those lucrative Pentagon contracts and DHS funds that either buys military equipment from Israel or sends our police chiefs there for hate training should be cancelled.

And all those 501 c dummy tax free fronts that shovel hundreds of millions each year to Apartheid Israel that is used to expand illegal West Bank settlements should have their tax free status revoked.

The American 5th Fleet that keeps close by in the Mediterranean to guard Apartheid Israel should return home.

And all of those 'training' depots that stash billions of dollars of US weapons in Israel in case the US needs them, but are actually used by Israel when attacking Gaza and Lebanon should be closed and their inventories shipped back home.

All of those anti-missile batteries operated, funded and staffed by the Pentagon in Apartheid Israel should be rolled up and shipped back home.

All of the past money we 'loaned' to that state of hate, that always get written off the books and turned into grants should be immediately called on for payment.

But that would require American politicians who have an actual spine and whose first allegiance is to America and not some SLC. Good luck finding those. As for the rest?

You'll find some of them slinking back home, after spending part of their Congressional break in Israel.

The gawdly 'Christian' Zionists that start braying like a pack of rabid donkeys can just move to their favorite Apartheid state, Israel. Just let them know ahead of time they won't be able to buy any land in Apartheid Israel, since they're not Jews.

More at End the Occupation

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cindy Sheehan: America needs to wake up

In an exclusive interview with RT's Anastasia Churkina, anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan talks about the need of accountability, an end to Iraq and Afghanistan, and the American psyche ignoring the truth.


"Aww, that's not fair! Anytime Obama speaks, I get all warm and fuzzy inside! He's not that mean and nasty GW Bush or that crazy Cheney, no, he's a 'peace' loving man and will do the right thing, just as long as we give him plenty of time and all our money!!"

"Now excuse me, I have to go watch my most fav show, 'Dancing with the Stars!!!" After that, I'll settle down with a large bag of chips and a Diet Pepsi--gotta watch that weight--and read cover to cover that latest National Enquirer!!"

"Then I'll catch up on the latest scoop on Michael Jackson!!!"

"Who says Americans don't read?"

Apocalyptic Pastor Claims to be Protecting ex-Muslim Teenage Runaway

A blog at Christianity Today sounds a note of caution over the case of Fathima Rifqa Bary, a Sir Lankan teenager living in Ohio who recently fled to Orlando claiming that her parents planned to kill her for converting to Christianity:

“They [my parents] threatened to kill me,” Bary says tearfully in a YouTube video …posted Tuesday. She goes on to explain the logic of honor killings: “They have to kill me. My blood is now hallal, which means that because I am now a Christian, I am from a Muslim background. It’s an honor, they love God more than me. They have to do this.”
…Sgt. Jerry Cupp with the Columbus missing persons bureau disputes Bary’s claims, telling The Columbus Dispatch that Mohamed Bary has known about his daughter’s conversion for months and appears to be caring. And today, the attorney for Bary’s parents issued a statement that they have never threatened Bary: “If this case is perceived as a clash of religions, it is because Mr. Lorenz recklessly and without authorization put someone else’s child in front of television cameras to publicly renounce her previous faith,” McCarthy said in the statement. “The parents who love Rifqa are in the best position now to protect her from the mess that Mr. Lorenz has made.”

The girl gives a rather strange interpretation of what an “honour killing” is for; rather than being the remedy for a perceived dishonour suffered by a family, she tells the journalist that to kill her would be an especially ”great honour” because she is the the first Christian in her family for “150 generations” and it would show her family’s love for Allah (Lorenz concurs with a “yes” at 5:03). This seems to me to be a garbled “Christianized” understanding of the phenomenon, making it into something like a human sacrifice. Her claim that Muslim converts to Christianity in Sri Lanka (where Muslims are a minority) are confined to a mental hospital is not one that I have seen reported anywhere else.

Lorenz used to pastor the Pine Castle United Methodist Church, but he now runs the Global Revolution Church, which has no apparent links to any other church or grouping. He believes that he receives special personal messages from God about the imminent end of the world....


The girl’s parents and brother can be seen in the news report below; they do not give the impression of wanting to kill her. However, Robert Spencer – fresh from scrubbing details of the bogus “mass paedo wedding in Gaza” tale from his
website - assures us that this is undoubtedly a “slow-motion honor killing“.

For an update on this 'dog and pony' show, click here and read how minions of the deceased Jerry Falwell are helping propagate lies to keep Americans in a permanent state of hate for anything Muslim/Arab.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

USAG Holder: The man who covered up Waco will now investigate torture?

Don't look for any substantive or honest investigations into the US torture of kidnapped or captured ME types, that's not Holder's job.

It is the job of the USAG, but not the man holding the job, Holder.

Do you really expect the shill that helped whitewash the brutal US government slaughter of those civilians at Waco, Texas to truly look into allegations of torture? All that will happen is that a few low ranking foot soldiers will get tossed into the fire to satisfy those clamoring for an investigation, even though the evidence points to the White House and the Pentagon as the instigators of this horrid practice.
The Waco Cover Up

Holder was a leader in the Clinton/Reno Waco cover up. U.S. Attorney James W. Blagg, who dared to publicly question the Department of Justice cover-up of the Waco/Branch Dividian Disaster, was personally removed from the investigation by then-Deputy Attorney General, and Clinton foot-soldier, Eric Holder.

From the Associated Press, September 14, 1999:

WASHINGTON--The federal prosecutor who raised questions about a possible Justice Department cover-up in the Waco standoff was abruptly removed from the case along with his boss, according to a court filing made public Tuesday.

Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder recused U.S. Attorney James W. Blagg in San Antonio and assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Johnston in Waco, Texas, from any further dealings in criminal or civil proceedings related to the siege.

This is the same man that helped coverup a brutal state sanctioned murder of Kenny Trentadue, who seemed to have a link to another government conspiracy, the bombing of the Murrah building in OK City.
Jesse Trentadue, a Salt Lake City attorney, has been independently investigating the circumstances of his brother Kenny's strange death while in federal custody at the time of the OKC bombing. Go here to see some graphic pictures of what Kenny Trentadue looked like after he was received from the tender mercies of the Bureau of Prisons after what the Clintonistas claimed was a suicide hanging.

“Holder’s job was to stop the Democrats and Republicans from looking into this….you have to ask yourself why the Deputy Attorney General of the United States in involved in covering up the death of an inmate and the answer’s simple, they knew that death if investigated would lead back to the bombing, it would lead back to the government’s knowledge and involvement,” said Trentadue, adding that the release of the information would have been a disaster for the re-election hopes of Bill Clinton in 1996.
Look at the pics of a dead Kenny and see if you think he 'hanged' himself.

Don't hold your breath waiting for truth and justice to find a home at Eric Holder's DOJ. He's got way too many skeletons in his closet that are useful for keeping people in line.

Holder's a 'player' and will do as he's told.

Do you really believe that a DOJ that allows the following is actually going to investigate torture? The following is what happened to a survivor of the Waco massacre who was doing time in a federal prison while Holder was Deputy AG:
24 British nationals were among the 76 fatalities. Two more British nationals who survived the massacre were immediately arrested as "material witnesses" and imprisoned without trial for months.One, Derek Lovelock, was held in McLennan County Jail for seven months, often in solitary confinement. Livingston Fagan, another British citizen, who was among those convicted and imprisoned, recounts multiple beatings at the hands of prison guards, particularly at Leavenworth. He claims to have been doused with cold water from a high-pressure hose, which soaked both him and the contents and bedding of his cell, after which an industrial fan was placed outside the cell, blasting him with cold air. He was repeatedly moved between at least nine different facilities. He was strip-searched every time he took exercise, so refused exercise.

Similar torture tactics used in a US federal prison were imported to Iraq. If Holder didn't bother to look into this torture here in the homeland, he sure as hell won't bother to look into it overseas.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Are you a REAL American?"

Are you a REAL American or just some latte sipping poseur?

Take this red, white and blue quiz to see if you really are an American or some Bin Laden wannabe.

1.) Whenever you hear the National Anthem, do you:

A) Come to attention, whip off a snappy salute and get all teary-eyed.
B) Scratch your crotch and wonder if the old lady's getting that beer.
C) Oil your AK47 while shouting "Allah Akbar."

2.) You see a bunch of smelly hippy types protesting the Iraq War, what would you do?

A) Immediately stop your pickup truck, get out your 'tire checker' and start bashing some commie punks in the face.
B) Don't pay any attention, since you're on your cell phone, trying to talk your wife's sister into meeting at a motel.
C) Stop your car and join the traitors.

3.) What cable news channels do you watch?

A) FOX News runs on my TV 24 hours a day.
B) MSNBC and Lifetime.
C) Al Jazeera

4.) While at your son's Little League game, you notice some radicals not saluting "Old Glory" while walking past that icon, what should be done?

A) Grab your trusty TAZER and shock some sense into those Gawd-less lesbian faggots.
B) You didn't see them, since you were too busy trying to seduce the coaches wife.
C) Haul down 'Old Glory' and use it in your Jim Morrison imitation.

5.) While listening to Rush Limbaugh on your 500 watt radio in the park, you notice some shifty types not paying attention to his Majesty, what would be your reaction?

A) Wait until station break, then go over and introduce your steel toed boots to those scum.
B) You didn't notice, since you were too busy making out with your brother's sister.
C) "What's a Rush Limbaugh?"

6.) Although your FIVE college deferments kept you from serving your country during the righteous Vietnam War, you see some punks demonstrating in front of a Marine Corp recruiting office, what would be your reaction?

A) Grab some of your like minded buddies out of the bar and start beating some patriotism into those assholes.
B) "Hey, that one blonde haired babe demonstrating is kinda hot!"
C) Make sure your kaffiyeh is on properly and join the demonstrators.

7.) You hear from the "Glenn Beck" show that the ACLU is going to be in town to file a brief, what would be your reaction?

A) Get in touch with the local VFW (Veterans for Wars) and agree to find these vermin and show them some bare-knuckle respect.
B) You're not sure if you'll be in town that day, since your fraternity bro's are throwing a reunion kegger.
C) Send another healthy donation to the ACLU.

8.) Your US Senator is going to be at a "Town Hall" meeting to discuss health care, what would you do?

A) Go there packing your trusty M-16 with its 40 round mag, waving a sign that says "No Commie Health" even though you don't have health care and will probably lose your home if you ever wind up in a hospital.
B) You won't be able to attend, since the coach caught you making out with his wife and put you into the hospital.
C) I'll be too busy reading my Koran.

SCORING: 3 points for each A; 2 points for each B and ZERO points for each C.

0-8: If you're still in this country by the end of the week, Pinko, TWO of our beefier 'customer service reps' will pay you a visit and give you and up close and personal teaching of what it means to be an American.

9-16: Your blood might be red, but you're nothing more than a Chardonnay sipping, croissant eating pussy.

17-24: Congratulations! You're one of a disappearing kind, a real 'John Wayne' kind of American. Join us in our monthly meeting by the old oak tree on Nathan Forest road and meet others like yourself.

P.S. BYOS---- Bring your own sheet.

Friday, August 28, 2009

AIPAC to go on mourning for Ted Kennedy

According to one tally, Ted Kennedy voted 100 percent in concert with positions taken by Aipac, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Tom Dine, who served as Aipac’s executive director from 1980-93, was a defense and foreign policy advisor to Kennedy.

In the run-up to his tough 1994 Senate campaign against Mitt Romney, Kennedy accumulated some $45,000 from pro-Israel political action committees over the years, according to former Aipac legislative director Doug Bloomfield, “and presumably a lot more from individual pro-Israel donors, considering his long record of support for U.S. taxpayer aid for Israel.”

In the 1980 presidential race, writes Jeffrey S. Helmreich, “polls indicated that Carter would beat Kennedy in the New York Democratic primary by a margin of 54 to 28 percent. But on March 1, Carter’s UN Ambassador, Donald F. McHenry, voted for a viciously anti-Israel resolution in the UN Security Council condemning Israeli settlement activity in Jerusalem. Three weeks later, Kennedy beat Carter in New York by 59 percent to 41 percent.”

In a statement following Kennedy’s death, Israeli Prime Miniiter Benjamin Netanyahu said, “(Senator) Kennedy has been a friend for 30 years, a great American patriot, a great champion of a better world, a great friend of Israel. He will be sorely missed.”
Source: Jewish Journal

Another branch of AIPAC, the ADL, announced that it too would be wearing black for 30 days, to honor Ted 'Moshe' Kennedy. Abe Foxman, ADL's head, said he bought a smart DKNY black evening gown and matching pumps that he will wear to honor the Senator from Tel Aviv.

Perhaps 'Teddy' was trying to avoid the same fate Israel meted out to his brothers?

Q. "What do you tell a Senator from Massachusetts who is about to vote on an issue affecting Israel?"

A." Not a damn thing, since you done told him twice"

Is any better praise needed than that from one of the 9/11 architects?

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