Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heraldo sees things that aren't there, and doesn't see things that ARE there!

Watch this clip of Heraldo as he attempts to smear Charlie Sheen regarding Sheen publicly asking for a proper investigation into the events of 911:

Heraldo complains that Charlie Sheen questions the official U.S. government conspiracy theory regarding 911 "in defiance of the facts, in defiance of the historical record, in defiance of their own eyes and witnessing what happened when those planes smashing into the buildings and I think unintentionally I am sure they are hurting the victims families... the survivors, because they continue to raise this preposterous notion that the United States Government would be so hideously manipulative that we would kill almost three thousand of our own citizens as a pretext to going to war in Afghanistan."

Well I guess that makes it official - Heraldo suffers from hallucinations. He criticizes Charlie Sheen for not seeing planes fly into "the buildings." News Flash: NO PLANE FLEW INTO WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING 7 HERALDO! Therefore there was no plane for Mr. Sheen to witness flying into WTC7 Heraldo! Pretty clever of Heraldo to group all the buildings together so as to pretend WTC7 doesn't exist. That's funny - isn't that exactly what the 911 Commission did too? Pretend WTC7 never happened?

Heraldo bitches about Sheen questioning the official U.S. government conspiracy theory "in defiance of the facts, in defiance of the historical record..." News Flash: The facts, Mr. Rivero, are that nano-thermate has been found in all four dust samples, and has also been independently verified. But I suppose Mr. Rivero chose a different set of "facts" allowing him to ignore the obvious conclusion - that the buildings were pre-wired for controlled demolition. As usual with the mainstream-corporate-fake-showbiz-media the truth is obscured for the TV-watchers by seeing no evil, hearing no evil, and speaking no evil - that is - evil their corporate pimps don't want them to see. What about these firefighters Heraldo? Do you have names to call them too?

Heraldo falsely accuses Mr. Sheen of hurting the victims' families by doubting the official conspiracy lie - but he excuses Mr. Sheen and others because it is unintentional. Bullshit Heraldo! Watch the family members speak here:

Finally Heraldo - thanks for nothing helping us get the truth out for the first responders who really are the victims of, as you put it, "this preposterous notion that the United States Government would be so hideously manipulative that we would kill almost three thousand of our own citizens as a pretext to going to war in Afghanistan." It is estimated that more first responders will die from the toxic dust they were exposed to with the blessings of the US government that the air was safe than died from the building implosions. Given that, Heraldo, how would you characterize the actions of our government after viewing this video?:

And what words of ridicule do you have for this first responder Heraldo? I suppose he was faking it before he passed away?

Thanks for your support in these difficult times Heraldo! With friends like you who needs enemies?

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